Praise the LORD, Hallelujah, praise the LORD!
Praise the LORD, Hallelujah, praise the LORD!
When you believed ME, then you received it,
For I have brought you the Victory!
Oh, once you were sickly, now you are healthy,
For I have brought your health to thee.
When you believed ME, then you received it,
For I have brought you the Victory!
Oh, once you were dead, but now you are living,
For I have brought your life to thee.
When you believed ME, then you received it,
For I have brought you the Victory!
Our Father's Message Given
February 3, 1934 A.D.F.D
(Taken from World Echo)
PEACE, EVERYONE! Good Health, Good Will and Good Appetite! These desirable attributes to you I bring, the same as I have been doing. It is indeed wonderful! That little song was composed many years ago, but I renewed the declaration in this particular expression, affirming the affirmation that has been made concerning the deliverance and healing of this child, "When you believed ME, then you received it, for I have brought you the Victory!"
While sitting thinking, MY Thought ran to the great significance of speaking and thinking GOD into action. It is indeed wonderful! When you think GOD into action, HE will come into display automatically! It is indeed wonderful! Thinking vividly and believing equivalently, the very Same Spirit and Mind of your thinking according to your thoughts, with faith and unshaken confidence, will bring into outer expression the desirable qualities of HIM of Whom you are thinking. It is indeed wonderful!
Then I say, your thoughts and words have been materialized. Remember, everything that you see and hear was created by the thinking or by the thoughts of GOD! You cannot think them into existence, for they are existing, but by your rightful thinking on the positive condition, it will tend to bring into materialization that which you are thinking. Aren't you glad! When you believed ME, though you were sickly, you have been made healthy! When you were weakly, you have been made strong by your Faith in HIM that liveth forever! Concentrating upon the strength of the strong, you tend to produce it and bring it into your experiences by vividly and enthusiastically thinking or concentrating upon it. It is indeed wonderful!
It is such a privilege, dear ones, to know that there is a difference between matter and true spirituality, although the two may be the same. When true spirituality shall have been brought into materialization, it may apparently be the same as matter in materiality. It is indeed wonderful! There is a difference between Spirit and matter, I say. Although the Spirit may be materialized and brought into outer expression, you, by your thinking on the Spirit in materialization, you can receive a blessing, and by thinking of the flesh in materialization, you can receive a cursing! It is indeed wonderful!
Just take for consideration: now you her the Name, FATHER, being rehearsed and repeated daily. One may be speaking of a father in mortality and you may be speaking of the FATHERSHIP Degree of Spiritual understanding that is brought into expression in true spirituality and into materialization in the very same likeness. One may be going from door to door begging bread, and the FATHERSHIP Degree of expression having been brought into materialization, can be feeding thousands and thousands daily! Do you not see the difference between visualizing the negative and the positive, although the two may apparently be the same? It is wonderful!
The very name, father, a man may call that very identical name spelled with the same identical letters with which you spell the Name, FATHER, when you are speaking concerning ME, and yet that person or persons they are calling father or fathers, may be living in mortal consciousness and that mortal consciousness or concept will bring into outer expression the characteristics of itself.
Then I say, it is a blessing to visualize the perfect picture and that is why I stress so vividly and enthusiastically the great essential of visualizing the Spirit and not observing the BODY. It is not for MY Sake, dear ones, but for your sakes, for nothing less than CHRIST and nothing more than GOD in the visible expression and the materialization of Bodily Form, can save you from the storm! I do not fear, but humanly speaking, it could have been said, for fear that you might observe ME as a Person and observe someone else that is living in mortal consciousness that would lead you to degradation, for this cause I Came and for this purpose I stand, stressing the great significance of observing the Spirit and not any man!
Although within Myself I may realize, even as you say you do, you have declared the actuality and visible expression of MY Personal activities to be nothing less than the Personification of the Infinite ONE! Nevertheless, for your highest good I have stressed the great significance of visualizing the Perfect Picture and stressing the Spirit in particular. I say it and stress it, not for MY Sake or because of your being misled by following ME as a Person, but to show you and to teach you a lesson, that you might be governed by the Spirit and not follow any other person! Aren't you glad!
By your sincere Faith in ME, as though it was ME, it did heal you of all of your diseases! It has brought you the Victory over adverse conditions! It has given you consolation in the time of trouble! It has bound up the brokenhearted! It has given the weary rest, and you have declared, "It is Manna to the hungry soul, and to the weary, rest!" Now don't say it unless you mean it! ("We mean it, Lord!" shouted the adoring masses.) It is indeed wonderful! If you continue to say it and say it in your mind and in your throat, after a while it g e t s down in your lungs and after a while it gets in your heart, then you are fixed! You can make out pretty well until it gets in the heart! You know it is true! That is the changing place. That is where something else starts! Now don't say it unless you do mean it! You keep on saying it and after a while you will Feel it, and if it gets in your heart in real good fashion, you will be it!
But I AM rejoicing to see practically every one of you having been physically healed of some ailment! Where nothing else could help, it was Love that found you, and this Love is so fascinating, it attracts your attention and calls you from the world of sin and causes your minds to turn to HIM that liveth forever within and not accept of any other one, but to willingly lean on the Everlasting Arms!
Then I say, when you believed ME, then you received it, for I have brought you the Victory! CHRIST, in the Name of Faith, is the Victory for each and every individual. If you will but have it in the express Name of Faith, it will manifest itself in you as the Victory! Aren't you glad! This little child, is an open and outward expression manifested, that each and every person might see, yea, that even the most material might see and understand, GOD is not a GOD afar off, but GOD is a GOD at hand! Through this recognition you can see sighs and tears and sickness and diseases, adverse and undesirable conditions disappearing! You can see all of the afflictions that are in your systems being eradicated and negation dispelling at the recognition of GOD'S Presence by living Evangelical. It is indeed wonderful!
Now don't you love ME? ("Yes, we love You, God Almighty!" shouted the assembly.) Well, if you don't want it to be true, don't keep saying it, for it gets in your heart. That is where something else starts!
These limitless blessings are flowing free for everyone! Live in this recognition and as you can plainly see, it is being made manifest on the material plane. Look at this beautiful dining room with all comforts and conveniences and each and every desirable blessing imaginable, where you could not have even the thought of coming into possession of these limitless blessings just a year or so ago! It is wonderful! I have made manifest these mysteries to this degree, which is only a slight sketch of a reflection of a percent of a percent of a percent of a percent of a fraction of a grain of what I will do this year!
Just look at this beautiful extension of our assemblies, as being termed an extension of the Kingdom, and the comforts and conveniences and all accommodations, and just think of how easy it is for you! Think of living in these beautiful places with all of the Joy and Peace and Happiness, with Love, Success and Prosperity and every desirable blessing so freely given by your great Creator! Now if you don't mean it, don't say it! Don't sanction it unless you mean it, for if you continue to sanction it, after a while you will mean it!
But it is beautiful, is it not, to observe the opening of these beautiful assemblies and the limitless blessings flowing so freely-- of food and of raiment, of houses and shelter and each and every desirable blessing? You can plainly see that if it were only for the material side of life, it would be worth while, would it not? ("Yes, it would!" came the sanction.) Then I say, when you believed ME, then you received it, for I have brought you the Victory! Victory over sorrow! Victory over trouble and all adverse and undesirable conditions, for GOD is the Eradicator and the Dispeller of all such, but the Expresser and Manifester of the desirable, the positive, the pure and the true! You don't need to think for yourselves, humanly speaking, but by relaxing your conscious mentalities by willingly submitting or presenting yourselves as living sacrifices, it will work automatically. The very Spirit of GOD'S Presence will work automatically and you will not have to try to make it work! It is wonderful!
When someone said they called on MY Name and received a blessing, the thought came forth within MY consideration, brought forth within as a little composition, though I did not unfold it openly, the SPIRIT of MY Mind and MY Name are sufficient to heal all of your diseases, for the Name of GOD is Infinite and when you have some faith in the Name of HIM in Whom you trust, it will materially manifest the thing that you are desiring, if you have faith in the actual materialization of this Name! The majority of the people do not get answers to their prayers on the material plane, for they do not have faith in the materialization of this great Name. They may get an answer on the psychic plane, but they may never get there to enjoy the blessings!
If you only recognize GOD and HIS Blessings from a spiritual point of view, you can only receive same from that angle, but by the recognition of the actual materialization of the Spirit of the Presence of GOD, things are materialized for one and for all! Openly you can see it! Just look at these beautiful material things which all came through and by this great Name, by the conscious conviction and actual realization of the natural materialization of HIM that liveth forever and forever! Every desirable blessing for the spirit, soul and body, I can and will bring into materialization and manifest both it and them on the material plane! I cannot make this too stressful, for that is the outward expression of the coming of the Kingdom of Heaven! It must come to the material state of expression to be made manifest on earth!
If I would allow these limitless blessings to stay in the invisible, only on the spiritual or psychic planes, it would be a matter of impossibility for the Kingdom of GOD to come! But every desirable blessing imaginable from the mental or psychic and spiritual planes, I have called them down into materialization! For this purpose and for this cause I came! It is wonderful!
GOD is the MASTER of Omnipotency and the Controller of mankind's destiny! Not only in and on the psychic and spiritual planes, but on the material plane upon which we live! Do you not see that it is a wonderful blessing? ("Yes, God Almighty!" came the response.) Truly might one have said, "Joy to the world, for the Lord has come! Let Earth receive her KING!" GOD is calling the Spiritual things down to the material plane, for HE alone shall have Dominion over them! Aren't you glad!
Those may be hard sayings to the mortal mind or minds of men that are not willing to surrender to HIM, but I have come to make it plain; that is the only way the Kingdom was to come, through and by individuals recognizing the actual materialization of GOD' S Own Son, materializing Himself and materializing everything else, bringing it out of the invisible into the visible and bringing it out of the spiritual into the natural, as it may be termed. You know you used to love GOD in Heaven, did you not? You thought you did! But all of your love has been withdrawn from the invisible state of expression and it has been placed on the material plane through which your blessings come.
These may be hard sayings, but yet they are true. Don't you feel better now? That is why so many in mortal consciousness, visualizing and living in the invisible spiritual realm, they become as spooks and almost like ghosts, walking around here on earth! You can plainly see it! The people that live in that spiritual state of expression and do not recognize the actual materialization of the great Creator, you can see them get pale and all out of life! They come to be just like an unwatered garden! Now notice it for yourselves. You see them going around in the spirit world all the time, never getting out of the spiritual world and they dry up!
A merry heart doeth good, for it is a medicine,
but a broken spirit dries the bones.
And you are broken spirited when part of your spirit has gone into the invisible and a part of it is here! You have broken it, sending some of it to one place and some to another! But we are so glad
HE was in the world and the world was made by HIM,
but the world knew HIM not.
But as many as received HIM,
to them gave HE power to become the Sons of GOD.
The word was made flesh and dwelt among us,
and we beheld his glory.
It is a great blessing to know, Spiritual things can be made fleshly and fleshly things can be made Spiritual! For this cause we are rejoicing, and that is why we have brought with us the Kingdom of Heaven, manifesting it into materialization on the material plane, and here we are, eating and drinking material things right here in the Kingdom of Heaven! Now why fret or worry? Old things have passed away; behold, I make all things new! And if you will live in this recognition, as I AM, so can you be, and sighing and sorrows will pass away, for you will be happy day by day. I thank you.