Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Brother Joseph Isaac King, Great Uncle of Martin Luther King

The following is the story of Mr. Joseph Isaac King,
the Great Uncle of Dr. Martin Luther King.

Joseph Isaac King was a believer and follower of the teaching of FATHER DIVINE.

Roger Klaus stated that Martin Luther King was aware of FATHER DIVINE'S Teaching and in order to establish this as fact, Mr. Eli Diana and Mr. Hezekiah Craig were asked for more information.. These two brothers live in California and for a time they, lived in the same home with Brother Joseph Isaac King who was a great uncle of Martin Luther King. The following was their response.

Joseph Isaac King, from what he told us, was born in 1870 in the house of Robert E. Lee. In fact at his burial in Los Angeles in the late seventies (Joseph King died of a heart attack ), some of the descendants of R.E. Lee, came to the funeral. This shows that the family where he had been raised as a boy never lost contact with him for over a hundred years. The tie must have been very strong.

As a young man he worked in the coal mines around Birmingham, Alabama, and this is where, one day, coming out of the mine, in 1903, he saw FATHER for the first time. Even though FATHER kept a meek and insignificant appearance, King was strongly attracted, and he told us that the Message FATHER was giving then was consistent to what He kept telling us up to the sixties. He knew about MOTHER DIVINE in the First Body at the turn of the Century. King said that when he met FATHER for the first time, FATHER was wearing a little beard.

In 1906 he went to look at the devastation in San Francisco and he told me that he was with FATHER at the time.

The brothers questioned if we here in Philadelphia had a record of FATHER DIVINE being in San Francisco in 1906. We have no record of that but it is quite possible and even probable because at that time the Holy Ghost descended on California and FATHER would be there stirring things up.

Joseph used to voluntarily enlist for a period of time in the Army, to take a rest from the coal mines. The last time he did it, the first World War broke up. He must have been in such good shape that they never checked on his age. And so he was shipped to France, and the only memory he would talk about was: "Too many dead".

At the Divine Lorraine Hotel, in the fifties, on one Anniversary, while with a group of followers from California and passing in front of FATHER and MOTHER, he caught FATHER'S attention and FATHER kept looking at him in recognition.

King, with his stories that covered a full century, was 108 when he passed. . I wish I could have talked with him more, but by then the only place I saw him was at the Church Banquets on sundays. He had seen lots of changes in this country, and remembered Philadelphia when there were cobble stone streets and fields, and horses and buggies. Television fascinated him.

From Mr. Melchizedec who lived with him, we know his fortune, coming from real estate, surpassed at the time, one million dollars. And he received a substantial income of some twenty thousand dollars a month from rented apartment buildings he owned in Saint Louis and Chicago. He had purposely not raised the rent since the forties, and the grateful tenants took care of their own repairs and painting.

Looking at his bank book, he would tell Hezekiah right at the little table in the kitchen here where we are now, "Your money can make more money than you can,"- meaning the interest. His son,- and his grand sons, or great grand sons whom he brought to the Church on one occasion, inherited the estate. He had made some contributions to the Church, and to Martin Luther King as well, who was a relative of his and with whom he shared a striking resemblance. When Martin Luther King came to Los Angeles, in the sixties, he went personally to see Mr. King in his apartment on the West side.

Joseph Isaac King drove a station wagon up to his last days, and the Department of Motor Vehicles could not understand how he could pass the test without eyeglasses. FATHER blessed him with longevity and good health. Hezekiah recalls seeing him, on one of the paint jobs he helped him with, carrying two wooden ladders on his shoulder- and he was about one hundred years old then ! He was a very good physical specimen and in his youth must have had the strength of two men. He lived with Hezekiah at our brother's quarters, on 37th Drive, for some two years. Roger met him there. He loved to testify at the Church.

Thanking FATHER and MOTHER, we send our Peace and Love to All.

Eli / Hezekiah

Peace Philip,

The complementary information, especially about Martin Luther King's visit to Mr. King in L.A. authenticates their relationship.

Mr. King, in his later years, contrary to Mr. Job Patience who was very sweet and of about the same age, seemed to have become more headstrong, and this probably affected his heart. And he had been married three times too,- as he told Hezekiah- his first wife being Anglo-Saxon, which at that time was unheard of.

Anyway, all this gives all those who are living the Life more courage and determination, seeing the Love FATHER has blessed us with. What HE did for one, HE can do for All, and more.

Thanking FATHER and MOTHER Dear.

Peace Philip Elie

P.S.- Forgot to mention King told us FATHER saved his life while being trapped in a mine after a gas explosion. All the other miners were killed. Unconscious for a while he managed to crawl through the debris up to the surface and was pulled out, unhurt,- the only survivor.
Peace, E and H


Mr. Roger Klaus submitted this additional information about Joseph Isaac King:

I lived with Mr. King and 3 or 4 other brothers under FATHER DIVINE'S Peace Mission at 1137 W. 37th Drive, Los Angeles, California from late 1964 to April of 1967.

Mr. Joseph King, the great uncle of Martin Luther King was, to the best of my knowledge, the oldest licensed driver in Los Angeles and an only survivor of a coal mine collapse that killed 120 men. His stories of his discovering FATHER'S Deity were fascinating. He was unable to keep it to himself and was abused by disbelievers when he continually voiced his conviction.

His mother was a slave under Robert E. Lee and he told of a tent that was in the Lee household which George Washington used. The tent is now at the Valley Forge Visitors Center.

Although Mr. Kings education was limited, his life experiences were full of wisdom that came out in his sometimes humorous recollections such as "I was growed up before they had sidewalks."
Mr. King was the only person I knew of that could give an eyewitness account of FATHER'S activities in the early 1900's. I regret not having written down the many "matter of fact" stories that were in front of me while living with Mr. King. FATHER obviously touched his heart deeply and blessed him to a long fruitful life.

He liked to debate and challenge whatever whatsoever was current or past. He was very independent but liked me because I would avoid argument but simply listen to his point of view i.e. such as when man walked on the moon Mr. King didn't believe the television coverage. "That's made up stuff." But he readily recognized the miracles FATHER worked daily.

When I moved to Philadelphia in 1967 Mr. King was still climbing 40 foot ladders and painting exterior buildings with a 6 inch brush at a very good speed using oil based enamel.

Roger Klaus

The Civil Rights Movements of that era were truly the Work of GOD
and the Work goes on until that Perfect Day when the Dream is fulfilled.

Friday, January 1, 2010

Living in the Eternal Dimension: One Eternal Christmas and One Eternal New Year

As You Understand Each Other Better
You Will Be A Part of Every Nation and Every Religion
and the Summation Will Be

E Pluribus Unum


'One Eternal Christmas and One Eternal New Year.'

Our FATHER'S Sermon Given whilst at the Holy Communion Table Circle Mission Church
2064 Boston Road, Bronx, New York
Sunday, December 31, 1950, A.D.F.D.
Time 11:26 P.M.

The transcriber introduces the Sermon:

This truly glorious Sermon, delivered by the Lord of lords and King of kings, is dynamic in its expression of living truths unto the children of men. Just before the Sermon, one of the recent recordings from Australia was played and enjoyed by the vast audience of visitors and followers as well. FATHER refers to this and other recordings received from His various followers and Churches in far off countries, and in His marvelous Sermon explains the mystery of this One Eternal Christmas and One Eternal New Year. At the conclusion of the Sermon FATHER brings forth a very vital point for consideration concerning the religious conviction of His real true followers with regard to insurances of any kind and this Conviction will go down on record even as it has in years past, and will be lived and carried out, regardless of the consequences. The Mouth of GOD has declared it! Almighty Redeemer, we truly thank Thee!

(The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, after which FATHER speaks as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! This is one of the days set apart as being termed the Christmas Holidays, which, at this time, this is commonly known as New Year's Eve for the Christian world. But as with the New Year so with the Christ Mass or Christmas Day with us. We recognize the One Eternal Christmas Day, in other words, Christ Mass Day and One Eternal New Year's Day. We recognize the Ever and All-Presence of All-Wise, All-Mighty and All-Circumferencing GOD of the Universe.

You have heard the testimonies of the different individuals from Australia, and there they are as we are here, representing every nation, every language, every tongue and every people by this great Conversion and by the Recognition and the Realization of GOD'S Actual Presence! No longer observing your Creator merely as a supposition but observing and realizing GOD'S Presence as Something that is the Creator, the Author and the Finisher of all of His Creation; though at one time invisible, intangible and being unconsidered as being visible; yet GOD made visible, things that were invisible, and brought into tangibility and into outer expression, the intangible and invisible things of His Creation.

Light of Understanding Coming Forth

Today we are realizing, as it is written according to the historians, the earth was created as well as the heaven, but the earth was void and without form, even as the heaven as being described as such; but GOD did say,

'Let dry land appear!'

according to the historians, and dry land came forth into expression tangibilated, materialized, as though personified; for GOD said,

'Let us make men in our own Image!'

According to the historians GOD formed man out of the dust of that dry land that HE said in His Own Omniscience, let it appear! We are happy today to say, things that once did not appear are coming into appearance. Things that were not once considered are now being considered; for by the Unity of the Spirit, as with GOD in the Creation, there was an agreement made between the Great Universal Mind Substance and Something, when GOD said,

'Let us make man in our own Image'.

There was an agreement made; and also as it was when GOD said to Something, according to the historians,

'Let there be light',

and light came forth into expression as a pre-evidence and as a visibilated prediction of how the Light of Understanding would come forth into expression when there is no light or no understanding. Aren't you glad? ('Yes, so glad, LORD!' came the immediate response.)

Coming all through the ages up until this present time there are thousands and thousands, yea, millions of individuals we, or I MYSELF as One of the unit, if I enumerate them one of the one hundred and fifty millions Americans; just enumerating the one hundred and fifty millions of Americans, plus all of the other nations, languages, tongues and peoples in all countries! Aren't you glad? ('So glad!' again came the immediate reply.) Just being One among the number, transcended and transcending all racism, all sectarianism, all partisanism and all isms that spell division bringing to you, My fellow citizens, hearers and friends, the Recognition of E Pluribus Unum. Aren't you glad?

All Mankind Unified

To recognize and realize E Pluribus Unum politically and legalistically, we will also recognize E Pluribus Unum religiously, nationally and racially, and we will bring an abolition to all divisibility among the nation. And by so doing we will understand each other better universally! And as you understand each other better universally, you will become to be a part of Judaism as well as a part of Christianity. You will be a part of every nation and of every religion and the summation will be E Pluribus Unum, where there will be no more divisibility of the children of men but all will live in Unison together and will partake of the great One Eternal Christmas, Circumferencing and enveloping the Jewish Christmas; circumferencing and enveloping the Hindu's Christmas and the Christian Christmas and New Year and all of them combined; making for that which we have here today where all mankind are unified! Aren't you glad?

Then I say, it is a privilege to observe it! You can see in our Churches in Australia, in Switzerland, in New Zealand, in Panama, in England and in Canada and in all other countries coming into the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose where we can celebrate One Eternal Christmas, and going on to the New Year, as afore said; we also celebrate the One Eternal New Year this being the eve of New Year, as it may be termed. But with this Light of this Understanding we realize there is One Eternal Christmas and One Eternal New Year's Day!

One Eternal Merry Christmas

For this cause, by composition as a message and as a declaration, (FATHER holds high The New Day, showing the song on the front cover, as HE says:) I brought out this little Message; even having it or putting it in a melody and in notes so that you might read it, sing it and play it, and convince yourselves and convert your hearts and your minds and all of your human intelligence and intellect to the realization that there is One Eternal Christmas and One Eternal New Year's Day.

When this is done you will endeavor to worship and serve GOD from your own viewpoint not as a creed or any other dogma, but as individuals recognizing the Supreme Being the Creator, the Author and the Finisher of all things! And when this is done you can say in reality, by the Unity of the Spirit, of Mind, of Aim and of Purpose we can live in unison together and there will be no more divisibility of nations and races and of families among us, but we will recognize the Universal Brotherhood of Man and realize the Ever Presence of the FATHERHOOD of GOD!

International Peace

When this Truth is established among the nations of the earth as I have it now established among you all, My adherents, My followers and My friends, there will be no more warfare and no more bloodshed, but you will have International Peace, as one of our picture cards portrays. (FATHER holds up the card bearing HIS and MOTHER'S picture, and the red, white and blue books bearing the dramatized pictures, the titles of which FATHER reads:) 'In the Air, on the Land and on the Sea.' where the people will no longer be divided among themselves. They will no longer live, considering themselves as some sort of a cursed race, creed or color, for I have declared Scripturally as well as I have declared it socially and Personally organizationally,

'Together you stand but divided you fall.'

If the people will unite together and live in this great universal Brotherhood of Man and recognize the Ever Presence of the FATHERHOOD of GOD, there will be no more limitations, there will be no more lacks, there will be no more adverse and undesirable conditions, for the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD will dispel and eradicate all adverse and undesirable conditions! Then I say, live in this Recognition!

Consciousness of GOD'S Presence

You have heard the voices of those of My representatives of My different Churches in Australia. A good many of you have heard the recordings from Switzerland, from England, from Germany and from other parts of the world making this selfsame declaration of the Consciousness of MOTHER'S and MY Presence here, and there as well as here. And such a Conviction automatically adjusts matters satisfactorily, and such a Conviction automatically produces the abundance of the fulness of the Consciousness of Good, and they find no space vacant of the fulness thereof! In the European countries, in the war zones, where lacks and wants and limitation, misery, disappointment and failure have gone rampant in the land, My Spirit and My Presence when they are conscious of It produce the abundance of the fulness of food and of raiment, of houses and of shelter, of comfort and convenience and of every desirable blessing, because they are conscious of My Presence.

Many people have read and you all have heard that as in the beginning of the creation, according to the historians, the Spirit of GOD moved out upon the face of the waters and began its creation of all creation can you not see the mystery? The very Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD moving out there automatically was creative and It is just as operative today as It was then. Can you not see the mystery? GOD being a creator by nature, even through the cosmic forces of nature and the creative forces of nature, the earth will create in itself, by nature, insects of its own kind. Can you not see the mystery? GOD'S Presence in your consciousness, and the recognition of It, will automatically create the good, the desirable and the blessed, and cause you and all things with whom and with which you are concerned to be blessed by such a recognition.

New Year Resolution

I know there are many vows being made. Many vows are being made in the Christian world to live better, to be better and be truer; to be more honest, to be more competent, to be more reliable in every way next year than what they have been this year that is now passing out. Aren't you glad? But what profits it to make such vows and promise to do such things unless you recognize the supernaturalness of GOD'S actual presence the omnipotence and omniscience of HIM Who liveth forever to be with you to guide you and protect you and to lead you and to give you the power and the privilege to do better than you ever did before? It would profit you nothing just to use a formula to say as the old year passes out and the new year comes in, 'I am going to do better, be better, I shall be more honest, I shall be more true to both GOD and to man than what I have been !' Unless you make up your minds to do it and then do it, and realize GOD is with you right here, to help you to do it, you will not be able to do it. You will be going on doing as they have been doing from ages up until now yea, until I came and made My Declaration known because I declare I AM GOD!

It is written of ME,

'In My Name ye shall cast out (you know) other fellows'.'

That is what I AM doing daily! I AM casting out the 'other fellow' of lacks and wants and limitations, of depressions, panics and famine! I AM casting out adverse and undesirable conditions of sickness and diseases and all sorts of undesirable conditions because the Name of GOD is a strong tower and the Righteous run therein and they are saved.

Let us live in this recognition and be conscious of GOD'S Presence. If you can only be conscious of GOD'S Presence metaphysically if you cannot be conscious of GOD'S Presence Personally or Personifiedly, be conscious of GOD'S Presence metaphysically; and suppositional and metaphysically you may get a blessing. But if you can be conscious of GOD'S Presence in Person, you will personally get blessings! Aren't you glad?

That is why, where I AM, the abundance of the fulness of the consciousness of Good no space is vacant of the fulness thereof because the adherents and those who are visitors even, the majority of them are Conscious of GOD'S Personal Presence.

GOD Materialized, Man Spiritualized

GOD Materialized HIMSELF and spiritualizes you so that you might live in the recognition of GOD'S actual Presence and such a recognition is just as operative and expressive as it was in the beginning of the creation when the Spirit of the LORD moved out as Something that was invisible, upon the waters but it was a consciousness, and that Consciousness created the earth. Aren't you glad? Created the Heaven and created the earth! And GOD said,

' Let dry land appear.'
Now live in this recognition and you will have victory over all adverse and undesirable conditions, and you will have not only spiritual blessings but you will have Peace on earth and Good Will toward men, and have success and prosperity economically! You will master the economic situation, and all of your social and intellectual and political and racial problems will be solved, for GOD, your Creator, is the Great Solver!

I have long since declared by composition as a motto for the consideration of the people, and of those of My adherents especially,

'The Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD
is the Source of all Supply, and it will satisfy every Good Desire.'

If I can make you conscious of GOD'S Presence it may be called superstition, it may be called expressions of fanaticism, even radically but if I can convince you GOD is Present among you, the very Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD will be to you the same Spirit that moved out upon the face of the waters in the beginning of the creation and said,

'Let there be light and there was light!'

I said, let here be the abundance of the fulness! Let right here be the consciousness of good wheresoever you are and I will declare to you, no space will be vacant of the fulness thereof! (Loud applause resounds.)

Standard of Independence

Why go around in lacks and wants and limitations? True followers of Mine do not go around soliciting, begging, stealing and borrowing! Aren't you glad? True followers of Mine will express their individual independence, even as our Country declared her Independence as a Nation, for you could not be a real American citizen, according to My Teaching, unless you would express your individual independence and refuse to be dependents, and live in the Consciousness of GOD'S actual Presence; then and only then could you be real, true American citizens.

I AM raising up a standard and a citizenry second to none, where a true follower, if he is physically fit, has health and strength, will not go around soliciting, begging and not a true follower of Mine will be on the relief roll, taking assistance. That is what I AM talking about!

Then you can look over here in this week's issue of The New Day this present current issue of The New Day, and also last week's issue of The New Day, under 'Righteousness Marches On!' In this present current issue of The New Day of December 30, 1950 under 'Righteousness Marches On!' you can see why My followers do not accept of tips and gifts and presents. That is their religious conviction and it is according to our Church Discipline! Can you not see the mystery? That is why they do not insure automobiles and houses and do not insure themselves and their children's lives as an insurance against sickness, death and accident because they know it is not trusting GOD infinitely, conscientiously and sincerely. For this cause we abstain from taking out insurance!

No Social Security or Other Insurances

My true followers own millions and millions of dollars' worth of property, and they do not have any real or personal property insured although they pay high taxes on their personal and real properties where it is called for but they do not insure it because it is against our religious conviction. Therefore, we will not take out insurances, even so much as Social Security insurance. It is against our Religion!

My true followers do not insure themselves, their lives nor their children's lives. They do not insure for sick benefits and accidents or anything of that sort, because we intend to trust the Ever Presence of GOD with Victory over all adverse and undesirable conditions and every hazard that may be created by the 'other fellow' better known by the religions, the d-v-l! Aren't you glad?

This did not just begin! For years and years and years, and it always has been, the true followers of Mine will not insure their own personal properties; will not insure their own real properties! Can you not see the mystery? ('Yes LORD!' came the reply.) And why should they insure them now, if they have not ever done it because of their religious convictions? They would go to jail or even die, if they could, before they do it! I thank you.

(As FATHER made this dynamic statement HE pushes in His chair and started to leave the Holy Communion Hall, only to re-enter and speak as follows:)

PEACE EVERYONE! I have returned! I lost sight of MYSELF and I lost sight of you as persons at the instant!

I want to say at this instance that those of the Rosebuds who have not dined, will be pleased to be the first ones to be seated at this Table, for they must go to our next Service shortly and serve us as the Choir and Choristers. I thank you!

Thursday, September 10, 2009

On September 10 we Re-member: I AM Life

I AM known as Alpha and Omega. Before time was, I AM. I encompass the Universe. It is My Habitat, and yet, I AM the heart beat of every man. I caused the mist to roll away and lo, eons of years ago a world appeared, but, even at this very moment, I AM here. And when all is done in My Infinite Plan, It is I Alone Who will remain because I AM eternally the same.

I A M L I F E !

I AM felt in Happiness. I fill the air. Life in all its exuberance is Mine to share. Youth, effervescent and unrestrained is My Domain. Still, in the contentment of the sage, I AM the same. Enjoy My Fountain of Energy, it's boundless, it's free! Let it saturate you endlessly.

I A M L I F E !

I AM seen in Nature. I AM the rush of the wind in the trees, apple blossoms, autumn leaves, the snow-covered crest of the mountain peak, all living creatures that be. I AM the fire that gives warmth and cheer. I AM the seasons of the year. I AM the ebb and flow of the tide; the fury of the storms that rise. I AM the gravity that holds all things to this Paradise on earth I bring. I AM also the Magnetism that suspends the spirit of man in ecstasy, world without end.

I A M L I F E !

I AM heard in Conscience. I speak where no other can, deep within the heart of man. By inner unction I demand to what is always the right stand. But to hear the whisper of My Command man must know that I AM. By constant use and motive sincere and pure, My Whisper, increasingly amplified, is more easily heard.
I A M L I F E !

I AM expressed in Liberty proclaimed throughout the land, I AM the Voice of Freedom that cries out from every man willing to pay for his God-given birthright, generation after generation sacrificing his own life. This relentless surge to be free comes from the very Nature of ME for nothing restricts and nothing binds the movement of My Infinite Mind.
I A M L I F E !

I AM balanced by Equilibrium. From My Veins runs the blood of every nation: in My Sight all are the same. I weigh on the Scale of Justice every act. My Price is just: My reward exact. By ME every man is judged, not by what he says, but by what he does.
The upright do not fear to come before ME. Justice is My Scale: Truth My Creed.
I A M L I F E !

I AM moving in Progress. I never stand still. My press, always onward, My Plan to fulfill. And as man progresses to the Perfection of ME a new dimension to explore, he will begin to see where he can push back frontiers of a new world seen, yet unseen; heard, yet unheard where every challenge is to the perfection of man -- spirit, body and mind where at last he is lost in My Will Divine.

I A M L I F E !

I AM, in essence, the Word made Flesh. I AM the Law of Moses magnified. I AM the Law of the Spirit of Life Personified. By My Spoken Word I AM and in My Word undiluted I remain. Nothing is relevant to the Reality of ME. I Alone Am Absolute. Unrestricted and free I have decreed to be. Through forty-two generations of Biblical history I AM come; through thirty-two lynch mobs in this dispensation every battle I have won. I cannot be separated from the Allness of ME -- Spirit, Body and Mind the same.

I Thank You, Father

Monday, March 30, 2009

Take Your Burdens to the Lord

Our FATHER'S Message given in
Day Star Baptist Church, New York City, N.Y., Monday, May 23, 1932

(After singing the song, "Take your burdens to the LORD and leave them there", FATHER spoke as follows:)

Take your burdens to the LORD and leave them there. Aren't you glad? Now there are many verses to that song and I did not repeat the verses because I did not want to get it out of tune and I knew that if I repeated the verses, it would have further got out of adjustment, but the great point of view is that you can take your burdens to the LORD and leave them there.

Now as far as your heart is concerned, the song says, "Come, guilty sinner, in whose breast a thousand thoughts revolve." The Word says,

'I came not to call the righteous, but the sinners to repentance.'
I was talking to some parties this morning quite early in proportion to the time I turned in last night, and I was saying to them that so often -- and I heard a party say it the other day -- it was hard for a preacher to confess his sins to GOD. Then I said to them,
'It is harder for GOD to save a god or gods than to save all the sinners in the world.'
It is hard for GOD to save even an ordinary preacher but when you come in contact with gods, why, it is harder to save gods and they are living in sin, living in materialism, living in mortality and living in debauchery of all kinds every day. They will not come to ME that they might have Life. They would rather die in their sins. But a heart and a mind like unto those that testified recently, those that think they are great sinners, those that think they are the least of the least and the worst of the worst; when you come like that, why, then you are a fit subject to make preparation for the Kingdom of GOD.

When you are self-righteous, when you are Holy -- CHRIST did not come to save anybody that was Holy anyway. Aren't you glad? And I AM sure He did not come to save gods, for GOD is saved always. HE didn't have to be saved. When a sinner -- when one feels as a wretch undone -- when one, I say, that feels as though he is a wretch undone, then he makes his mental and spiritual contact, when he is delivered from that sin, when he finds that CHRIST, the Heavenly Lamb, has taken all his sins away -- the sacrifice of a nobler Name and richer Blood than that of male cows, pigeons and goats that were offered up as a living sacrifice -- when he finds that out, then he can say, "How sweet the Name of Jesus sounds in a believer's ears! It soothes his sorrow, heals his wounds and dries away his tears." It breaks the power of cancerous sin and sets the prisoner free. Imputedly you see His Blood, better known in the spiritual realm of spiritual understanding as Love. His Love falls over them. Now aren't you glad? Now you feel good now, don't you? Now don't you feel nice? You feel just as though you can hardly sit on the seat. It is lovely, isn't it? Isn't it sweet? Oh, it is Wonderful!

So I just wanted to say that this mighty Love, this mighty Love, it is Wonderful! It is Wonderful! I was moved to say a word or two at that particular juncture when the speakers said about their hearts were so black that they did not want to bring ME their hearts. Well, I don't want you to bring ME your righteousness! I don't want your righteousness! Your righteousness can take care of itself. If it is gold, you can throw your pure gold ring or anything, you can throw it on the dump or any place and let it stay out there for years and it will be the same. Your righteousness, if you have the Righteousness of GOD, will take care of itself and it will also take care of you if you have the Righteousness of GOD. But if you are a sinner, GOD will then need you to cleanse you from your sins and free you from all condemnation.

For this cause and for this purpose came I into the world -- Aren't you glad? -- to stop you and free you from those things that you believe and your conscience told you were wrong. To set you free from the claim of condemnation; for if you are led by the Spirit of GOD as it is brought into expression through this ministry, you are freed from condemnation and I came to bring you into your conscious realization of the Presence of GOD and of His Majesty, His Divine Inspirations or Inspiration as being called inspirations whilst it is imparted to many. Then when you are led by this Inspiration, the Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD, you will find that it will satisfy your every desire. You will find that it will free you from all condemnation and it will set the prisoner free, physically, mentally and spiritually. It will set you free in every way. It will free your conscience. It will free you in body from every kind of ailment and complaint. It will free you from all misery and from all woe. Aren't you glad?

This Word and this Truth and the Spirit of this Truth will set you free and free indeed and it will guide you into all Truth; for HE puts it through the mouth of the Apostle:

'There is therefore now no condemnation to them that are in CHRIST JESUS, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit; for the Law of the Spirit of Life in CHRIST JESUS has made us free from the law of sin and death.'
Now aren't you glad? Do you not feel free? I know you feel FREE, for the Spirit of Life that is in CHRIST JESUS here has made you free and he that the Son sets free is free indeed. Sets you free, I say, free in every kind of way, every imaginable way, free from all barriers, free of lacks, free of wants, free from all limitations, free from all denominations, free from all races, free from all creeds, free from all colors and free from every abomination that spells condemnation. Then you are free indeed. Aren't you glad? You have never been free until you are freed from those conditions. As long as you think you are some abomination, some denomination, religious denomination, political denomination, social denomination, family denomination, or any kind of denomination, you are not free; for he that the Son sets free is free indeed. Free from every limitation, hence from all denomination and hence free from all the condemnation that denomination brings and you can walk and talk with GOD. Aren't you glad?

All denomination is not just religious denomination. The majority of you are intelligent people and realize that it is not just religious denomination but it is every denomination that brings division and limitation. Now that is what is the matter with this world. That is the lost chord that was lost until GOD condescended to put on a Body. CHRIST was in the world and the world was made by Him and the world knew Him not. They had barred Him out through creeds and denominations, divisions and all kinds of abominations; for

'where there is division there is strife";
therefore the CHRIST could not be brought to fruition in their lives. That is the only reason why you have not seen CHRIST before. Aren't you glad? He was in the world and the world was made by Him and the world knew Him not. They could not see Him because they were not pure in heart!

The Word says,

'Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see GOD.'
I AM just purifying humanity's understanding now, which is the heart. I AM just beginning to purify your understanding, I say, which is your heart, so you can see GOD. Aren't you glad? Your understanding has been in a chaotic condition. It was a matter of impossibility to see GOD if you had a thousand eyes. If your eye be single your whole body is full of light, but if your eye be evil, your whole body is full of darkness. In that verse there in that quotation, "If your eye be evil", it could have said, if your eye be double or if your eyes be many. In short I could have said, if you have many eyes and look in many different directions, your whole body is full of darkness, but in short I said, "If your eye be evil." It is evil to see and to look in many different directions and not keep your eye on the bright and Morning Star, the Lily of the Valley, and not keep your eye single to see the oneThing and the one Thing alone, having a single eye instead of having thousands of different eyes. Your whole body now is full of darkness as the collective body of mankind. It is full of darkness.

But I have come to light up your understanding. I came to light up your Understanding and it is written in a composition of modern old times,

'The whole world was lost in the darkness of sin, but the light of the world is Jesus.'
Aren't you glad? I know you are glad because you realize that the Light has come and that is why humanity generally is rising and is shining for the Glory of GOD has risen upon them. Then I said,
'You that think your hearts are black, if you take your burdens to the LORD and leave them there, wheresoever you believe HE is, you will be free.'
Leave them there! Take your burdens to the LORD, I say, and leave them there! If you trust and do not doubt, HE will surely bring you out. Take your burdens to the LORD and leave them there. Aren't you glad? Leave them there! The song says,
'If this world from you withhold, of its silver and its gold, don't forget that GOD from Heaven answers prayer. Just remember from His Word how HE feeds the little bird. Just take your burdens to the LORD and leave them there.'
I know you feel lovely. I know you feel lovely, because this mighty Love is emanating from the Heart of GOD. Aren't you glad? I said this mighty Love; not only this mighty Love but this Almighty Love, this Omnipotent Love, this Love that transcends all limitations. It is Infinite. This Love, I say, that is emanating from the Heart of GOD. It is saturating your very body and your soul. It is making you new. It is making you over new right now. This mighty healing Love! Truly might have one said,
'There is a Fountain open in the House of David for all sin",
and it is this mighty Love. One writer said, "There is a fountain filled with blood", but transposedly I say, "There is a fountain filled with Love." This Mighty Love! It is drawn from Immanuel's Heart! It is drawn from GOD in man! GOD IMMANUEL'S HEART! Aren't you glad?

Remember that these words and poems and songs and praises, they have been praising figuratively. They were figurative when they said,

'There is a fountain filled with Blood.'
That was only a symbol of the Fountain that is filled with Love. In reality, when you read of the blood that saved you and sanctifies you, the interpretation of that blood is Life and Love; so I can say in reality, you all taste this Love, don't you? There is a Fountain filled with Love. It is drawn from Immanuel's Heart. "Sinners plunged beneath this flood, lose all your guilt and shame."

I don't care how black your sin may be if you have not sinned against the Holy Ghost. I want to say that there is a Lawyer that can plead your case and get you out of any sin you ever did if you did not sin against the Holy Ghost. Any sin you ever did! Your Counselor can plead your case and free you from all condemnation and set the prisoner free from every condemnation and from every sin that you have ever committed unless you have sinned against the Holy Ghost, and that is not in the Constitution; for there is a clause in the Constitution -- there is a clause in the Constitution of the Kingdom of GOD, I say, wherein that HE can free every person from all of their sins unless they have sinned against the Holy Ghost. Aren't you glad?

Aren't you glad there is a Counselor somewhere and somehow, here and now, willing and ready to free you from all sin and from all condemnation; for he that the Son sets free, is free indeed! Now we rejoice because we know that it is true and as I have been saying, with or without a Body, the Gospel of CHRIST, of it I AM not ashamed, for it is all Power in this Mighty Name. It brings Peace out of confusion, Health out of sickness and brings Life out of death; for they that are dead and are in the grave shall hear this Voice and they that hear shall live. It is Wonderful! Have you ever HEARD until you saw ME? "My sheep hear My Voice and a stranger they will not follow."

'Out of His Mouth goes a two-edged sword high on the mountain top." Jeremiah spoke of it, "And out of His Mouth came fire to baptize you with the Holy Ghost and with fire.'
Now aren't you glad? I know you feel good for this mighty Love is emanating from the Heart of GOD and is saturating your body and your soul and has filled you and thrilled you, therefore we will declare in the melody as in a transposed melody, "My soul has something that is new." You never were so happy before, were you? Such a mighty healing Love because this Love consumes everything adverse. Aren't you glad?

Therefore I say,

'Fear not little flock, it is your FATHER'S good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.'
Firstly, the Kingdom of GOD is not meat and drink; firstly the Kingdom of GOD is invisible. It cometh not with observation, but secondly the Kingdom of GOD is brought into materialization in your conscious realization and it will be no more imagination. It is Wonderful! It cometh not by observation, I say, and I said that it is firstly not meat and drink but it is righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Ghost.

When you seek righteousness, when you seek peace, when you seek the Holy Ghost and shall have found it, then and there and here and now, you have made preparation for the materialization of your conscious realization. You are conscious that you have the Kingdom of GOD within. You are conscious that you have this righteousness, joy and peace in the Holy Ghost but as was in the beginning with the Word, that Word was with GOD firstly invisible and you found that this Word was GOD. After you found out that it was GOD, it came a little nearer to your conscious realization. It began to materialize itself and the Word was made flesh. The Kingdom of you are visible, the Kingdom shall also be visible; by HIM that liveth forever and forever. The Kingdom of GOD is not material until it has been made material or materialized by the Materializer and HE that materializes things.

I came to materialize the things that you thought not to be. Once upon a time you were invisible but today you are visible and because you are visible, the Kingdom shall also be visible; for it is written,

'As HE is, so are we in this present world.'
We are now materializing the things that we realize and bringing into conscious realization the materialization of things that have been hid from generations. That is where we are. The Kingdom of GOD on earth here and now, for it has been declared that the Kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdoms of our GOD and His CHRIST and HE shall reign forever and ever. Aren't you glad?

Now we are rejoicing because we know that these are facts and figures that are too stout to be denied and we do not care anything about what the mortal mind says. What can mortal man or mortal mind do? Aren't you glad? What do I care about what mortality says? What do I care about what it is trying to do? There is no power given except that which comes from the Body of GOD! Tell mortality wheresoever it is, there is NO POWER GIVEN EXCEPT THAT WHICH COMES FROM THE BODY OF GOD! It is Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful! GOD is reigning now! It is Wonderful! I SAY GOD IS REIGNING NOW! GOD IS REIGNING! The kingdoms of this world have become the Kingdom of our GOD and HE shall reign forever and ever and EVER! The Mouth of the LORD hath spoken it! Aren't you glad?

Aren't you glad that you elected your GOD, your LORD and your KING! "HE rules the world with Truth and Grace and makes the Nations prove the Glory of His Righteousness and the wonders of His Love." I know you are happy because you have GOD on your side! Not only on your side but GOD is in you! Once upon a time HE dwelt with you but now HE is in you and you are in HIM. Wheresoever HE is, you are. Wheresoever you are, GOD is your GOD! GOD is your King! GOD is your FATHER and you never had another!

'Fear not little flock, it is your FATHER'S good pleasure to give you the Kingdom.'
Then I say, take your burdens to the LORD and leave them there. Don't carry any burdens that will cause you to go astray, but march into the City of this Eternal Day! We are marching, we are marching, we are marching, I say; here and now we are marching! Truly might you have heard the Voice crying out, "Swing wide, Golden Gates and let the victors in!" We don't have to get the victory, we have the victory. We don't have to put anything over, it is over now and we are over. We don't have to put anything over, I have put it over! I Have the victory! Aren't you glad? And you have the Victory in yourself, for faith is the Victory that overcometh, or, "This is the victory that overcometh the world, even your faith." This faith has overcome every mortal version of the human mind.

Now you can declare in the language as verifying the language of the Prophet Isaiah in chapter 32:1 and 2:

'Behold a King shall reign in righteousness, and princes shall rule in judgment, and a man shall be as a hiding place.'
Reign too! Reign in Righteousness! And Princes shall rule in judgment and a man is as a hiding place and a covert from the winds and doctrines of men, hiding from the winds and doctrines of men and the spiritual tempests that blow. The winds of trials and tribulations! A man is as a hiding place from such things and will set the prisoner free. Aren't you glad? That is the reason I said,
'Rejoice in the LORD always and again I say rejoice! Make your moderation known unto all men, the LORD is at hand",
here and now and remember that there is no power given any man except that same power which proceeds from the BODY of GOD. It is Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful! >

Truly might have CHRIST in the Name called Jesus said,

'Come unto Me, all ye ends of the world and be saved.'
Aren't you glad? To realize the Omnipotence, the Omniscience, and the Omnipresence of GOD with all of the fulness of His attributes, here and now, in this Divine Omnipresent Life in which you all live, move and have your being, and you in which CHRIST and GOD lives, moves and has His Being. Then we should rejoice, for it is truly vice versa. In HIM you live, move and have your being and in you HE lives, moves and has His Being. The LORD has never told you to do anything that HE wouldn't do for you.
'Behold, I stand at the door and knock and if any man opens unto ME, I will come in and sup with him and the feast will be an everlasting one.'
Then if you will stand at the door and knock, GOD will open unto you and the feast will be an everlasting one. Then I say, you can rejoice with joy unspeakable and full of great Glory and the Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD will satisfy every good desire.

Now why did you push ME out like that? It is Wonderful! You must have thought I could swim! You push ME out into deep water and if I can't swim I have to swim anyway!

Just now I only rose to give a foundation to those speakers that thought their hearts were so black and give them a happy admittance into the Kingdom of GOD, and you pushed ME out into deep water and if I didn't know how to swim, I had to learn. Although I did say, launch out into the deep and let the shorelines go. Launch out into the deep, out into the Ocean Divine where the full tides flow. I told you to do that and you pushed ME out. As I say, whatsoever I tell anyone else to do, I mean to do that what I tell them to do, and if I told you to do it and you happened to push ME out into the deep anyway, why, it is good for ME!

Now I wish to say another word about what was sung about, "Lift Him up." I recall when that song was composed about twenty or thirty years ago and I transposed that song then, because along about that time they were trying to lift ME up illegally. Illegally then they were trying to lift ME up. Illegally, where now they are trying to lift ME up legally. Then they were trying to lift ME up by mob violence. Aren't you glad? Then I said I did not come to be lifted up from that version of that human mind as it was then. When Jesus said,

'Lift Him up";
JESUS CHRIST said in that body,
'I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto Me.'
He was speaking concerning the crucifixion and death that He must suffer on the cross and that they would lift Him up on the cross and through the death and the suffering, supposedly, of the Body of Jesus, why, all men would be drawn unto Him. I transposed that song in those days and I said, "Do the Will", for I did not come to die this time. Aren't you glad? Then in the place of "Lift Him up", I replaced, "Do the Will, do the Will, while He speaks through eternity. And I, if I will do the Will of the LORD, I will draw all men unto Me."

There is a phrase in that song; I don't personally know when it was composed but I transposed it. It says,

'Don't exalt the preacher, don't exalt the purse, but preach the Gospel message full and free, and I, if I be lifted up, will draw all men unto Me.'
Now I said, "Don't exalt the preacher, don't exalt the purse, but preach the Gospel simply full and free, and I, if I do the Will of the LORD, I will draw all men unto Me." It is not your FATHER'S Will that one of His little ones should perish and you have been taught to pray to,
'Let Thy Kingdom come and Thy Will be done on earth as it is in Heaven.'
I venture to say that those, My supposed opponents, better known as enemies, are convinced that I AM doing the Will of the LORD in My Home, here, there and everywhere, and I, if I do the Will of the LORD, I will draw all men unto Me. It is Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful!

It is true, as was said,

'The scepter shall not depart from Judah, nor the Lawgiver from between his feet, until Shiloh come; and when Shiloh comes, the gathering of the people shall be unto Him";
and I, if I will do the Will of the LORD, I will draw all men unto Me, for wheresoever the carcass is, there shall the eagles be gathered together! Wheresoever it is, they shall be gathered. Marvel not that I say unto them that they will come unto Me. Aren't you glad? Now that is not in some way different than what you should be. You are even also as I AM if you will only let it be. Every fertile egg has a chicken in it. If it is not a vegetarian egg it has a chicken in it, but this egg must go through incubating or setting and go through some kind of process and have the right even temperature and have the right process to form and develop the chick. It may get chilled after the chick begins to form. It may not be exactly a rotten egg but it may be chilled and the chick will not hatch out.

I heard churches say before I came out to the public, out into the ecclesiastical world as I stand today expressedly, when from 1914 up until last year sometime I stayed in quietness -- I heard them say that the churches have grown cold; said that were chilled; they had grown cold; then how can they hatch out any Sons of GOD? When the eggs are chilled, how can they hatch out the Sons of GOD? They cannot hatch even if they be good eggs, if they get chilled; they cannot get hatched. But I came on the scene to warm up the churches, and if they will warm up to ME, I will warm up to them. Aren't you glad? The chicks as it seems to be now, are not any more as Jerusalem was in A.D. 33 and 32 when it was declared, "Oh, Jerusalem, oh, Jerusalem, how oft would I have hovered thee as a hen hovers her brood but ye would not!" I feel and I say that the churches have been cold. They are coming unto ME that I may warm them up; that I may incubate them; that I may hover them as a hen hovers her brood; that they may

'offer unto the LORD an offering in righteousness as in the days of old, and as in former years.'
Do you not see the eggs beginning to be hovered? The eggs are beginning to be hovered now under the Will of GOD in this great Incubator of Life, these wings of Love. They are beginning to be hovered and I see the eggs beginning to develop and beginning to form into the chick. Aren't you glad? Some beginning to pick their way through! Through the shells of mortal limitations! I see that mortality is being swallowed up into immortality. The egg is coming to conscious life; conscious expression of the Life of GOD as the mother chick. It will soon be in the likeness of the FATHER-MOTHER-GOD. Now aren't you glad? Truly might have one said,
'Behold, what manner of Love the FATHER hath bestowed upon us that we should be called the Sons of GOD, and it does not yet appear what we shall be, but we know that when He shall appear, we shall be like Him for we shall see Him as He is.'
You begin to see now! You begin to see them beginning to come out. They are proclaiming the Name of GOD, the Life of CHRIST. They are beginning to be hovered under the Spirit of Life, the wings of My Love, to be hatched out like unto the Father and Mother chick, GOD your Heavenly FATHER!
'How great and marvelous are Thy Works, oh, GOD, for Great and Holy is Thy Name!'
Aren't you glad?

I know you never tasted of such a Love. It is emanating and it is saturating. It makes you feel new. It makes you feel new! It gets all in your sinews and your joints and you say, "I yield, I yield! I cannot hold it any longer for I know HE is risen in my soul!" Now aren't you glad? You can taste a little taste of this Love can't you? This mighty healing Love that transcends all limitations; yea, it transcends gravitation. The gravitation of the earth has no power over this Love for it is incorruptible, undefiled and fadeth not away. Aren't you glad?

Take these thoughts in, dear ones, and if you can sing that song and remember what I say, it will be Wonderful! Just remember, if you will, "Do the Will"; that is applicable to you as well as I; and

'If I will do the Will of the LORD, I will draw all men unto Me.'
Now aren't you glad? You know you are happy! You never had such a happiness before, did you? Aren't you glad that you can part with the mortal world and have been filled with the Love of GOD instead of the world! Now GOD has taken away the first that HE may establish the second and that you can be a burning light; for as I said, I came to warm up the churches and incubate them, or, in other words, hover them as a hen hovers her brood. >

It is written,

'Our GOD is a consuming fire",
and not only that, but,
'GOD makes His ministering spirits Angels, and His ministers flames of fire.'
Here and now and here and there in this Omnipresent Life, I AM gathering the good wheat in the garner and the chaff I AM burning up with unquenchable fire. We are getting this Glorious Church which is called the Kingdom. Some of the writers saw it and caught the reflection, seeing it as
'A Glorious Church without spot or wrinkle.'
Aren't you glad? They saw this! They saw this! They saw these being purged of all fleshly affections, of worldly pleasures, and everything like that; all lusts and passions, and saw them coming up through great tribulation, washing their robes white in the blood of the Lamb. If they could only have seen it as it is, they could have said, "It is a glorious Kingdom of GOD." It is a glorious Kingdom of GOD without spot or wrinkle. It is without spot and it is without wrinkle because all materialism has been purged out. All of it has been purged out and all of those passions, fancies, tendencies and mortal pleasures; lusts and pleasures of the world that the Churches have striven so hard to get you not to do, in their way, but could not do it. Aren't you glad?

You know, so many times the preacher would tell you to stay away from the bar rooms and speakeasies and all such as that, but they could not keep you away, could they? But I have something that can keep you away! You don't care to go, do you? It satisfies your every desire and it sets you free from all wants. Then and there and here and now, you can declare, even as the Psalmist did when GOD spoke through the mouth called David and in the name called David,

'The Lord is my Shepherd, I shall not want.'
You don't want a thing because you are satisfied in GOD! Hallelujah to the Lamb! You are satisfied in GOD! Hallelujah to the Lamb! Aren't you satisfied? CHRIST is rich and all you need and your every hunger, your Savior satisfies, doesn't HE? Satisfies you in all the fulness and takes away all lacks and wants. Aren't you glad?

You can be free of all undesirable conditions, of dissatisfying thoughts and tendencies, absolutely free! You don't even feel like going to the movies tonight, do you? It is Wonderful, Wonderful, Wonderful! You don't feel like going to the Coney Island tonight, do you? I have Something and I AM Something that satisfies your every desire. Truly might the Apostle have said,

'Show us the Father and it sufficeth us.'
As the song in this last time said,
'I shall be satisfied when I see Him, satisfied when I see Him face to face, and tell the story, saved by Grace, I shall be satisfied.'
Now aren't you glad? This Mighty Holy Name! The Spirit of the Consciousness of the Presence of GOD, your Heavenly FATHER, with the conviction of your observation of both It and HIM, it has satisfied your every desire. It has set the prisoner free from all limitations, from lacks and wants; even from all adverse conditions and even from all gravitation. With the Spirit of the Consciousness you can ascend from place to place, and eventually your body will receive that ascending Spirit. I thank you.


Monday, March 23, 2009

Your Body of Flesh is the WORD OF GOD Materialized

'All That You Really Are Is GOD'
FATHER DIVINE'S Words from the Notebook of John Lamb

'There are joys flowing like a river every day and you and I can enjoy them. It is a wonderful thing to come to this place in consciousness where you realized that you can produce whatever you gaze upon. Whatever you gaze upon, that is what you tend to materialize, since you are made in the express image of GOD your FATHER. I was talking to a party a little while ago that thought her mother had had a stroke and they were seemingly in agony to think of it. But I was telling them that in reality your mother cannot have anything but that which is good, for GOD is your MOTHER and you never had another. When you get to this place in consciousness and realize it, you shall have detached yourself from all materialism and from all matter and from all mortality, and shall have attached yourself to the true Divine Mind which will lift you, as the song says: 'With tender hands He lifted me, from shades of night to planes of light, He lifted me.' It is a great consolation to know that your thoughts are things and as I said to the party, when you realize that your MOTHER is GOD and you never had another then you cast the trouble out of your system by casting it out of your consciousness and you will not be subject to the infirmities, and neither will she be subject to the infirmities of mortality. When you realize that you are absolutely one with GOD, that your body is one with GOD and all that you really are, is GOD, your mother, your father, your sisters, your brothers and all of your kin and everything else that you ever thought that you had that was good, is GOD. You never had another.

GOD condescended to put on and permit HIMSELF to put on mortal bodies through which to bring into outward expression other mortal bodies to appease the mortal concept of the human mind until those HE has brought forth into the world have risen to realize their oneness with GOD and have lost to this extent the limited degrees of consciousness concerning themselves and everybody else. And Jesus, the great Love Master, strove to get men to see and realize that, nineteen hundred years ago, supposedly in the days of ignorance. He strove to get men to realize that HE was one with GOD and that GOD was His FATHER and that men had failed to realize that and therefore, looked upon themselves as worms of the dust and afraid, and filled with corruption. Jesus said,

'When ye pray, pray ye our Father,'

He did not say, 'Pray ye Jesus' Father.' You see that would have been well enough for this day, to those of you who think GOD is Jesus' FATHER. The Christian world believes GOD is Jesus' FATHER and they don't believe GOD is their FATHER and your FATHER. They only think GOD is Jesus' FATHER, but HE is just as much your FATHER as HE was Jesus' FATHER. When you know it and when you put off that mortal version concerning yourself then you will be able to declare, even as He did, that GOD is 'my' FATHER and you never had another.

So as I was telling the party, when you realize that GOD is your MOTHER and has put on that body to prepare HIMSELF a body to function in on the earth, on the material plane, to appease the mortal concept of the human mind that calls itself your mother, and when you realize that is GOD's body,

'Know ye not that ye are the temples of the living GOD?'

'And GOD has said, I will walk in them, and talk in them.' And when you realize that

'In the beginning was the Word and the Word was with God, and the Word was God, and the Word was made flesh and dwelt among us . . . And we beheld His glory as of the only begotten of the Father, full of grace and truth,'

the same was in the beginning, and I can say the same today, the Word has been made flesh and it dwells among us, but that is you. Your body is a body of flesh, made out of the Word of GOD. GOD said,

'Let us make man in our own image,'

therefore, your very body is a body of flesh, the Word of GOD materialized, and we can behold HIS glory.

So as I said to the party, now cast out of your consciousness and out of your system, by casting it out of your consciousness, and out of her system and out of the systems of those that concerned her, all of the belief that this individual is something apart from GOD. Cast out of your consciousness that your mother has a stroke and you will cast it out of her system. So whatever we think, that is what we tend to produce in our physical structure and in the physical structure of those we come in contact with.

Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Testimony of Brother Walter Lanyon

"What Went Ye Out for to See - A Man ?"

Can you imagine the excitement that reigned in the little town of Samaria when the woman returned from the well and said:

"Come and see a man, which told me all things that ever I did; is not this the Christ ?"

"Come ! see a man who is doing the works of the Master; is healing the sick, opening the eyes of the blind, supplying food, shelter and raiment freely; has no new creed, no new system, or church to found. Yes, all this right here in our present day; in this materialistic age; right on the very doorstep of the hub of the universe - New York."

And so they came in great waves; came to see, to hear and to partake. A thousand gradations of human thought rushed in to "have a look." A thousand gradations of human thought rushed away to place its interpretation on what it had experienced.

Hundreds daily sat down to a banquet that would have caused the average Continental chef endless planning and trouble. Banquets followed one after the other without the slightest stir or confusion. The only confusion that existed in the household was that which was brought there by the onlookers. Miracle followed miracle, and all wondered.

"Everyman" had on a thousand robes - he was playing every part. There was the little "Everyman" who at once understood everything that Father said, and spent the time setting everybody right. There was the cunning "Everyman" who lay low and watched, and checked against everything to see if she could explain that it would have happened anyway. She was protecting the weak sisters and brothers, who might be misled. There must have been some such a person at the arm of Jesus when he was feeding the multitudes, peeping down his sleeves to see if there were not flour and water, hidden there out of which he made the bread he was giving the hungry.

There was "Everyman" who had proved the power for herself, and knew Whereof she spoke, who went out to see what it was all about; hadn't she been able to demonstrate the power .... hadn't she been able to always make the "street-car" be at the corner the moment she arrived ?

Aren't we funny ? Surely you are going to say yes ! to that ? We are eternally looking for the way out of the human dilemma, and the moment anything comes along that looks as though it were a possible way of escape, we immediately want to make it conform to the laws of the human mind. We are all the same in this respect. We are "Everyman," and it is not with any malice or criticism that I list the various specimens that followed the exciting invitation, "Come and see a man." Most of us go out with exactly that idea in mind - we "Come to see the MAN."

How very disappointing. The man may look like anything. He may belong to any race - he may not conform to any of the idea., you have had in mind. I suppose a Chinaman would like to see a Confucius, and Hindu would be looking for a Buddha, and so on. When we go out to see a MAN We usually see a MAN, and we disobey the teaching of the Master "What went ye out for to see? A man?"

The looms of human conversation, imagination, exaggeration, ran back and forth - words, words, words - repeated, enlarged, stretched beyond all recognition, flew back and forth, weaving a flimsy fabric of fantasy, as a great army of talkers started in the age-old habit of building the Tower of Babel. All talking the same language at first, but presently no two of them speaking in the same tongue. And the only note of harmony that kept breaking through the whole mass of human talk was the startling and glorious word of the Father," It is WONDERFUL."

And so the Tower fell, and great was the fall thereof.

"I AM the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord."

But it seemed at first as though "The zeal of thine house has eaten me up." The confusion and excitement of having seen a sign or having heard of someone who had seen sign, ate up the "omer of Manna", and one was left alone in the desert of confusion; alone in a wilderness of opinions and beliefs.

And only the glorious word remained, "It is WONDERFUL."

The first great wave broke on the sands , and left behind it a rare collection of things from the deep.

"There is therefore no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walketh not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."

And the first and glorious word Sounded a hundred per cent like Jesus' words: "Blessings, blessings, blessings, so many you cannot count them, to you, to me, to everybody ; To all those who have misunderstood and misinterpreted the Words Spoken here. It is wonderful . Nothing has happened but my Love has allowed."

Day after day the Father sat and dispensed the glorious knowledge of the Kingdom as Here and Now, and spoke of the power of the I AM, and time after time he explained that the I AM was Universal and Infinite, and that all had the right to enjoy it.

"It is not necessary that you see Me personally, for I AM here, I AM there, I AM everywhere. I AM a present help. I do not give absent treatments, for I A M everywhere.

You do not need to follow Me personally, but if you are going to go away from here, claiming that God is everywhere, and then follow after another Man or teaching, I say it is better for you to follow Me."

Regardless of how many times Father made it plain that the I AM was Universal - here, there and everywhere, it seemed to be necessary to make this explanation every time the I AM was mentioned, or else "Everyman" took offense and reiterated the age-old saying, "He made himself as God."

Why should He not make himself as God, if He were made by God and moulded out of the substance of God, in the image and likeness of God ? Is there anything strange in that? Yes, there is the strange hypnotism of the human thought that is struggling to free itself, and at the same time trying to lug into the new heaven all its former baggage.

"Only believe and thou shalt be saved" is entirely too simple. The wise "Everyman" cannot bow to such simplicity.

And so the tales of "Everyman" ran wild.

When Father therefore said : " I will keep your souls, and even if your bodies leave Me I shall hold your souls and you will have to return to Me, "Everyman" got afraid - he heard something personal and imagined that he was being held against his will. He did not stop for a moment to realize that the Voice through the Ages had spoken the same words. Your Soul has always been with God, and your body has been wandering through the desert of human thinking. What is so strange about the fact that that which is born of Spirit is Spirit, and dwells eternally with the Spirit, and what is so strange in the statement, and the promise that the Prodigal Everyman" shall return to his Father's house?

The great power of keeping the personal separate from the Impersonal was not used, and "Everyman" actually imagined that Father wanted to hold them against their will. Had they stopped for one moment to ask themselves WHY ? they would have seen how ridiculous this piece of imagination was. Father Divine, who asked nothing of any man, and gave all, could fill any place he entered with people who were willing and ready to follow after the glorious Impersonal teaching of the Christ. He had no need to hold on to a few souls. Isn't it wonderful when you think of it. He asked nothing of anybody and gave all. Doesn't it sound like the wonderful way of Jesus. He asked nothing and offered all.

"Everyman" came with the story that all their life they had wanted to have the time to learn of this glorious truth, but the question of earning a daily living was always in the way, and Father so graciously and beautifully said to these, "Come, eat and drink without price." Just what they had they wanted? But was this what they had wanted? Yes, with reservations. No sooner had they entered into this new order of things than the discipline and order that was necessary began to bother them. "I think it should be done this way or that way or some other way from what it is being done." Aren't we funny? You and I ? Did we ever hear the word "Patience must have her perfect work " - yes, we have heard it, but before it has time to work we are going to help it along with a few personal ideas. And so "Everyman" began to find all sorts of faults and conditions that he would change.

One little "Everyman," who had no-one or nothing to be separated from, complained that Father was separating people ! that he advocated leaving all relations, etc. "Let the dead bury their dead, follow thou Me," is but the slightest request of the Master, whom this little "Everyman" believed in emphatically. It was but a reiteration of the teaching of Jesus, when he said that a man having seen the Light would leave, family, houses, lands, all and follow after that Light. Yet somehow that did not count - Jesus was after all an historical character, and his teaching was to be taken with reservations.

Yes, '"Everyman" is in reality afraid of the very thing he is seeking, because it begins to set aside all the cherished beliefs of his existence. Yet why is it we reiterate the words of Jesus over and over: "' The works that I do ye shall do also and even greater." Do you begin to see that he who travels alone travels far ? Isn't it wonderful ?

People who went to Father's and enjoyed free board and room for months, came away saying that he had placed a curse upon them, and that he was breaking up homes and families, and this was especially strange since these very persons had neither home nor family to be broken up. When the human mind cannot have its way, it will try anything to get into the limelight again. But all the time Father smiled pleasantly and said, "Bless them." What a blessing it must have been!

Hundreds of people partook of the wonderful banquets at Father's freely, partook of the instructions freely, partook of lodging freely, and then imagined that they were being coerced into following after Father. And all the time Father gave freely, and showed them that which he said he would show, "the miracle of the loaves and the fishes." And those that had eyes saw and understood, and knew that at last the Truth had come within the vision of our day.

The very people who glory in the stories of Daniel in the Lion's Den, and the disciples in prison, were the first to broadcast, with "childlike" simplicity and hidden wiseness, Father Divine is in jail, I can not understand it." Yet these very souls imagine that they would have been the faithful attendants, waiting outside the prison-house to serve the disciples. Do you suppose there was any more worldly honour attached to going to jail then, than now ?

"Nothing has happened but my love allows," said Father, as he submitted to the human law, in order that he could give a further concrete proof of the power to those who needed a further sign.

The proof was given, and in spite of all the efforts of the human mind, the doors sprang open and another legend had become a fact. Isn't it wonderful.

"Awake thou that sleepest and Christ shall give thee Light."

A little"Everyman, who was especially fond of saying "All things are possible to God," came to me saying"Yes, but how could Father produce money - it would not be lawful." And then with the wisdom of human ages twinkling in his eye, he added: "You see, there would be the serial number of the notes to be taken care of." You see there would always be serial numbers to be taken care of for that human state of consciousness, and yet he kept on repeating, "Yes, all things are possible to God " - but evidently there were some things that were not possible. Do you hear, do you see ? You who READ this line? "I have a way you know not of." Has man, then, found something that God cannot do ? You answer for yourself.

When the old King in the Bible was told that he must be born again, he answered the same thing: "Yes, but what about the serial number" only he said, "Impossible, I cannot go through that re-borning process." And so we find something else that God cannot do - and if we do not watch out, we will find that God cannot do anything, except what we can conceive of as possible for him to do. Isn't it wonderful ?

The very idea of being born again would upset all the human laws about birth. Yea, that is just what the coming into contact with the Divine Law does, it upsets the human law and its way of thinking. Aren't you glad ? "I shall overturn and overturn and overturn until He comes whose place it is to rule." What are you going to do about it ? I think you had better be glad that there is something that can upset the old false standards and beliefs.

And so a lot of funny little souls who are like chameleons, in that they take on others thoughts, imagined they had been hurt by Father Divine, and people who had not been invited, or asked to come to his home, seemed to think they had missed the chance of going, and should accordingly be recompensed for having decided to go. And a great law was shown forth, and many were caught in the trap of not only accepting evil as real, but also assisting in passing on that which had been merely hear-say. It must have been difficult, after trying with such faithfulness to make evil real, to say in prayer "there is no evil." Watch - Watch - Watch"

"Untouched in any way by all the talk," Father's work grew by leaps and bounds. New impetus having been given to it by the glorious proof of the Power. The weak sisters had fallen by the way, and made the ground ready for the souls that were prepared for the meat. Many a babe on a milk diet found the meat too strong, and retired to cut his teeth on something less solid. Isn't it wonderful ?

"They laid every charge against him," sounds like Scriptural language, but it is twentieth century journalism. "Everyman" came after a lifetime of mis-thinking - stumbling and falling on the way, seeking only the loaves and fishes, and when he found none, went stumbling away again, charging his broken-down condition to the teachings of Father.

One little "Everyman" told me she had established a Retreat, where the broken-down souls that had been hurt and torn by Father could find refuge and peace - yes, a place where the driftwood that had been broken on the sea of life might float in. I wonder what will be done with some of the funny little shells and bits that float on the tide from One beach to another ?

I suppose Jesus was blamed for the murder of all the babies that Herod caused to be destroyed, since the announcement of his birth was the cause of their death ? Isn't it wonderful. You and "Everyman " - are beginning to see a little, to recognize the falseness of the character with which we have been associated. We profess the Christ and go into ecstasies over His miracles, and yet we are so often caught trying to "slip up on Him," as it were.

Beloved ! you can "slip up on Him" any time, and you will not find Him wanting - the glorious Impersonal Power that has come to us again has come through the avenue that was most fit and ready to express it. It is wonderful ?

The sport of the human mind is to make a Jesus and then crucify him. And the strange part about those who partake in the crucifixion is that they always come away from their ignoble work exclaiming that they are the ones that have been hurt.

One "Everyman," who ran about saying that she "had given up everything to go to Father's, and now she had nothing," had asked me to pray for her, three months before, in order that she would not be dispossessed of her apartment.

Another "Everyman," who ran about exploiting Father at one time, later ran about saying in her most sanctimonious tones: "I hope no one is going to ask me about Father Divine " - letting those who heard draw their own conclusions.

The Romans had finally had their holiday, and after the noise and smoke of human opinion had cleared away, they found that the "sacrifice" had escaped them, and that the glorious echo of the Voice was still in evidence, and the undying word, "It is WONDERFUL," still echoing in the land.

And so the command, "What went ye out for to see, a man or a principle ?" was again asked and the answer of the masses was "A principle." And those who have been looking for a principle, have found a principle that is again showing forth the works that it came to show forth, and making it gloriously possible for us to enter into the New Day of realization. Kipling has said it was the, disciples and followers of Jesus that crucified him, and not the mad mob as was supposed And so it is - but what must be the feeling of those who imagined they were destroying a Messiah, to find that He had moved "untouched" through their hands ? And what must have been the amazement to find that He was still blessing them and breaking the bread for them. It is wonderful !

"What went ye out to see, a man or principle ?"

The glorious revelations of Father that have attracted even greater and greater masses of people than before, are put in the simple impersonal language that a child could understand, but the "Everyman" who wishes to distort their meaning will find the same old human equation in evidence.

Father is teaching the Here and Now of the Spiritual Universe. He is teaching the possibility of instantaneously entering into the Heritage of the Son of the Living God. He is teaching the blessings unlimited. He is teaching the one-ness of Jesus-Christ, the word made flesh. He is teaching the abundance and fullness of all that is needful - without price. He is teaching. It Is Wonderful.

"The abundance of the fullness of the consciousness of Good - no space is vacant of the fullness thereof."

"You must live in accordance with the teachings of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John."

"You must call no man your Father."

"You must be willing to accept your good here and now, as a reality and as a natural part of your universe."

"You must enter into the joys of the Sons of God."

"You must claim your right and press your claim as the Son of the Living God."

"You must be glad, for you are in a NEW DAY."

"Must accept the Presence of the Living God, and know that He lives, breathes, moves and has His being in you."

It is wonderful ! wonderful ! wonderful ! And so are the glorious possibilities of your contacting Him, Here, There, Everywhere; at every place and every time. "Ask and ye shall receive" has again been made true - you will learn the glorious "open sesame" of "Thank you, Father," because you are arriving at the point where you are transcending the human argument and reason, and are able to accept the inspired word of God as True. All you can do, then, is to say" Thank you, Father," because before you even voice the idea, the answer is - and by the glorious revelation that we are now receiving we can prove this for ourselves. It is wonderful that "Everyman" is beginning to go out to see the Principle, and he is coming home filled and thrilled with the fulfillment of the Promises. It is wonderful ! wonderful ! wonderful !

The new way is opening before you - you are beginning to accept the words of the Master as True and without reservations. You are beginning to step out on the Promises of God. It is wonderful. "Be still and know" sets aside the human thinking, and makes you free to receive the laws which no human mind has yet stated - the laws of attainment and accomplishment which are unconditioned and free. Such is the gift that Father Divine has brought to us in the only Impersonal way since Jesus brought it. It is wonderful ! wonderful ! wonderful !

One "Everyman" asked another, "Well, if He does not want money, nor followers, and is not seeking to build a new movement, nor a church, what does He want ?" And the other answered: "He wants you to know your God-given heritage and He wants you to accept His glorious offer of Freedom, for He has said "You are not another but the same one - What I AM you are." Could anything be more glorious, more free or more Wonderful?

(The quoted Italics are the words of Father Divine, in whom I recognize a Door of Revelation. When he said to me : "No man should call me Father who sees me as a man" I knew that I had found a thoroughfare which would lead somewhere other than to unfulfilled Promises.--W.C.L.)