Monday, December 8, 2008

Father Divine indicates that a Universalist Faith is Coming

Father Divine speaks:

Someone brought up this morning the subject of the Pope's recent appeal for one religion and one church and his demand that the Protestant churches return to the Church of Rome. FATHER said, 'It has been brought to MY notice to do that, and there are some that believe it can be done- -a universal religion and a universal language to be taught in all of the schools, and there are some that believe if I will do certain things and establish it legally, there will be a universal language taught in all the schools that will be a real language wheresoever you may be, and all will learn this language which will be set apart as an international language and there will be an international religion. It has been spoken of and it has been put before ME for consideration, and naturally someone will speak of it and someone will desire to bring it about, but it cannot be Catholic or Mohammedan, or could it be especially Christendom or any special religion, for it will cover the whole universe--an international religion and an international language and an international people.

"That is a step towards bringing all into the unity of spirit and mind and body as one. The cancellation of these things has been accomplished by the Spirit from a spiritual point of view and under MY Personal jurisdiction there is one language, there is one people, there is one religion, from a spiritual point of view, but it is being thought upon to be recognized and legalized. As I said years back, I AM working cancellation, I AM canceling the nationalities though they be many, and I have and AM canceling the races, though they be supposedly five; I have canceled them down to the two races and from the two races to the one race which was and it is the human race. And now I AM canceling the human race and recreating in the cancellation of the human race, the angelic race.

"Then there will be no more human race, nor the Adamic nature that has existed in the bodies of the children of men, but the angelic nature, the Divine nature transmuted from the individual expression or individual expressions of GOD to individuals in the form of man. And it thereby reflects and manifests the angelic nature, bringing them into subjection to the Divine Mind, and hence we will have the angelic race reproduced from and materialized from the spiritual realm of the unseen and the visibilization and materialization of this expression in the flesh. And here and now we have begun to unfold and it will be brought before the international courts to be recognized and enforced from a legal standpoint of view. They will find it after awhile, the same as when MY Message was transmuted through Mr. Lanyon nearly a year ago, and through his fame and through MY Name in him, the message of the Kingdom of GOD here and now and of this universal brotherhood of man and Fatherhood of GOD is being conveyed to the Orthodox Church and the Catholics. They accepted that, many of them, but through the lack of perfect love and in spirit and also in authority, they rose up with spirit of revolt and with the spirit of violence through lack of love but caught a glimpse of their liberty, their freedom, their rights to be free, and they stood to free themselves from the king as I have conveyed the message of deliverance through the name of Mr. Lanyon and by the fame of the Spirit of the CHRIST Consciousness. And in Spain they rose up to dethrone the king to drive him out as soon as I conveyed MY Message through the fame of Mr. Lanyon and through the name of the CHRIST Consciousness and they rose up to dethrone the king and drive him out. And as MY Spirit turned in a different direction towards Italy, even before the body arrived, the Spirit had arrived in Italy to dethrone the Pope."