Saturday, February 28, 2009

The Testimony of Brother Walter Lanyon

"What Went Ye Out for to See - A Man ?"

Can you imagine the excitement that reigned in the little town of Samaria when the woman returned from the well and said:

"Come and see a man, which told me all things that ever I did; is not this the Christ ?"

"Come ! see a man who is doing the works of the Master; is healing the sick, opening the eyes of the blind, supplying food, shelter and raiment freely; has no new creed, no new system, or church to found. Yes, all this right here in our present day; in this materialistic age; right on the very doorstep of the hub of the universe - New York."

And so they came in great waves; came to see, to hear and to partake. A thousand gradations of human thought rushed in to "have a look." A thousand gradations of human thought rushed away to place its interpretation on what it had experienced.

Hundreds daily sat down to a banquet that would have caused the average Continental chef endless planning and trouble. Banquets followed one after the other without the slightest stir or confusion. The only confusion that existed in the household was that which was brought there by the onlookers. Miracle followed miracle, and all wondered.

"Everyman" had on a thousand robes - he was playing every part. There was the little "Everyman" who at once understood everything that Father said, and spent the time setting everybody right. There was the cunning "Everyman" who lay low and watched, and checked against everything to see if she could explain that it would have happened anyway. She was protecting the weak sisters and brothers, who might be misled. There must have been some such a person at the arm of Jesus when he was feeding the multitudes, peeping down his sleeves to see if there were not flour and water, hidden there out of which he made the bread he was giving the hungry.

There was "Everyman" who had proved the power for herself, and knew Whereof she spoke, who went out to see what it was all about; hadn't she been able to demonstrate the power .... hadn't she been able to always make the "street-car" be at the corner the moment she arrived ?

Aren't we funny ? Surely you are going to say yes ! to that ? We are eternally looking for the way out of the human dilemma, and the moment anything comes along that looks as though it were a possible way of escape, we immediately want to make it conform to the laws of the human mind. We are all the same in this respect. We are "Everyman," and it is not with any malice or criticism that I list the various specimens that followed the exciting invitation, "Come and see a man." Most of us go out with exactly that idea in mind - we "Come to see the MAN."

How very disappointing. The man may look like anything. He may belong to any race - he may not conform to any of the idea., you have had in mind. I suppose a Chinaman would like to see a Confucius, and Hindu would be looking for a Buddha, and so on. When we go out to see a MAN We usually see a MAN, and we disobey the teaching of the Master "What went ye out for to see? A man?"

The looms of human conversation, imagination, exaggeration, ran back and forth - words, words, words - repeated, enlarged, stretched beyond all recognition, flew back and forth, weaving a flimsy fabric of fantasy, as a great army of talkers started in the age-old habit of building the Tower of Babel. All talking the same language at first, but presently no two of them speaking in the same tongue. And the only note of harmony that kept breaking through the whole mass of human talk was the startling and glorious word of the Father," It is WONDERFUL."

And so the Tower fell, and great was the fall thereof.

"I AM the voice of one crying in the wilderness prepare ye the way of the Lord."

But it seemed at first as though "The zeal of thine house has eaten me up." The confusion and excitement of having seen a sign or having heard of someone who had seen sign, ate up the "omer of Manna", and one was left alone in the desert of confusion; alone in a wilderness of opinions and beliefs.

And only the glorious word remained, "It is WONDERFUL."

The first great wave broke on the sands , and left behind it a rare collection of things from the deep.

"There is therefore no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walketh not after the flesh, but after the Spirit."

And the first and glorious word Sounded a hundred per cent like Jesus' words: "Blessings, blessings, blessings, so many you cannot count them, to you, to me, to everybody ; To all those who have misunderstood and misinterpreted the Words Spoken here. It is wonderful . Nothing has happened but my Love has allowed."

Day after day the Father sat and dispensed the glorious knowledge of the Kingdom as Here and Now, and spoke of the power of the I AM, and time after time he explained that the I AM was Universal and Infinite, and that all had the right to enjoy it.

"It is not necessary that you see Me personally, for I AM here, I AM there, I AM everywhere. I AM a present help. I do not give absent treatments, for I A M everywhere.

You do not need to follow Me personally, but if you are going to go away from here, claiming that God is everywhere, and then follow after another Man or teaching, I say it is better for you to follow Me."

Regardless of how many times Father made it plain that the I AM was Universal - here, there and everywhere, it seemed to be necessary to make this explanation every time the I AM was mentioned, or else "Everyman" took offense and reiterated the age-old saying, "He made himself as God."

Why should He not make himself as God, if He were made by God and moulded out of the substance of God, in the image and likeness of God ? Is there anything strange in that? Yes, there is the strange hypnotism of the human thought that is struggling to free itself, and at the same time trying to lug into the new heaven all its former baggage.

"Only believe and thou shalt be saved" is entirely too simple. The wise "Everyman" cannot bow to such simplicity.

And so the tales of "Everyman" ran wild.

When Father therefore said : " I will keep your souls, and even if your bodies leave Me I shall hold your souls and you will have to return to Me, "Everyman" got afraid - he heard something personal and imagined that he was being held against his will. He did not stop for a moment to realize that the Voice through the Ages had spoken the same words. Your Soul has always been with God, and your body has been wandering through the desert of human thinking. What is so strange about the fact that that which is born of Spirit is Spirit, and dwells eternally with the Spirit, and what is so strange in the statement, and the promise that the Prodigal Everyman" shall return to his Father's house?

The great power of keeping the personal separate from the Impersonal was not used, and "Everyman" actually imagined that Father wanted to hold them against their will. Had they stopped for one moment to ask themselves WHY ? they would have seen how ridiculous this piece of imagination was. Father Divine, who asked nothing of any man, and gave all, could fill any place he entered with people who were willing and ready to follow after the glorious Impersonal teaching of the Christ. He had no need to hold on to a few souls. Isn't it wonderful when you think of it. He asked nothing of anybody and gave all. Doesn't it sound like the wonderful way of Jesus. He asked nothing and offered all.

"Everyman" came with the story that all their life they had wanted to have the time to learn of this glorious truth, but the question of earning a daily living was always in the way, and Father so graciously and beautifully said to these, "Come, eat and drink without price." Just what they had they wanted? But was this what they had wanted? Yes, with reservations. No sooner had they entered into this new order of things than the discipline and order that was necessary began to bother them. "I think it should be done this way or that way or some other way from what it is being done." Aren't we funny? You and I ? Did we ever hear the word "Patience must have her perfect work " - yes, we have heard it, but before it has time to work we are going to help it along with a few personal ideas. And so "Everyman" began to find all sorts of faults and conditions that he would change.

One little "Everyman," who had no-one or nothing to be separated from, complained that Father was separating people ! that he advocated leaving all relations, etc. "Let the dead bury their dead, follow thou Me," is but the slightest request of the Master, whom this little "Everyman" believed in emphatically. It was but a reiteration of the teaching of Jesus, when he said that a man having seen the Light would leave, family, houses, lands, all and follow after that Light. Yet somehow that did not count - Jesus was after all an historical character, and his teaching was to be taken with reservations.

Yes, '"Everyman" is in reality afraid of the very thing he is seeking, because it begins to set aside all the cherished beliefs of his existence. Yet why is it we reiterate the words of Jesus over and over: "' The works that I do ye shall do also and even greater." Do you begin to see that he who travels alone travels far ? Isn't it wonderful ?

People who went to Father's and enjoyed free board and room for months, came away saying that he had placed a curse upon them, and that he was breaking up homes and families, and this was especially strange since these very persons had neither home nor family to be broken up. When the human mind cannot have its way, it will try anything to get into the limelight again. But all the time Father smiled pleasantly and said, "Bless them." What a blessing it must have been!

Hundreds of people partook of the wonderful banquets at Father's freely, partook of the instructions freely, partook of lodging freely, and then imagined that they were being coerced into following after Father. And all the time Father gave freely, and showed them that which he said he would show, "the miracle of the loaves and the fishes." And those that had eyes saw and understood, and knew that at last the Truth had come within the vision of our day.

The very people who glory in the stories of Daniel in the Lion's Den, and the disciples in prison, were the first to broadcast, with "childlike" simplicity and hidden wiseness, Father Divine is in jail, I can not understand it." Yet these very souls imagine that they would have been the faithful attendants, waiting outside the prison-house to serve the disciples. Do you suppose there was any more worldly honour attached to going to jail then, than now ?

"Nothing has happened but my love allows," said Father, as he submitted to the human law, in order that he could give a further concrete proof of the power to those who needed a further sign.

The proof was given, and in spite of all the efforts of the human mind, the doors sprang open and another legend had become a fact. Isn't it wonderful.

"Awake thou that sleepest and Christ shall give thee Light."

A little"Everyman, who was especially fond of saying "All things are possible to God," came to me saying"Yes, but how could Father produce money - it would not be lawful." And then with the wisdom of human ages twinkling in his eye, he added: "You see, there would be the serial number of the notes to be taken care of." You see there would always be serial numbers to be taken care of for that human state of consciousness, and yet he kept on repeating, "Yes, all things are possible to God " - but evidently there were some things that were not possible. Do you hear, do you see ? You who READ this line? "I have a way you know not of." Has man, then, found something that God cannot do ? You answer for yourself.

When the old King in the Bible was told that he must be born again, he answered the same thing: "Yes, but what about the serial number" only he said, "Impossible, I cannot go through that re-borning process." And so we find something else that God cannot do - and if we do not watch out, we will find that God cannot do anything, except what we can conceive of as possible for him to do. Isn't it wonderful ?

The very idea of being born again would upset all the human laws about birth. Yea, that is just what the coming into contact with the Divine Law does, it upsets the human law and its way of thinking. Aren't you glad ? "I shall overturn and overturn and overturn until He comes whose place it is to rule." What are you going to do about it ? I think you had better be glad that there is something that can upset the old false standards and beliefs.

And so a lot of funny little souls who are like chameleons, in that they take on others thoughts, imagined they had been hurt by Father Divine, and people who had not been invited, or asked to come to his home, seemed to think they had missed the chance of going, and should accordingly be recompensed for having decided to go. And a great law was shown forth, and many were caught in the trap of not only accepting evil as real, but also assisting in passing on that which had been merely hear-say. It must have been difficult, after trying with such faithfulness to make evil real, to say in prayer "there is no evil." Watch - Watch - Watch"

"Untouched in any way by all the talk," Father's work grew by leaps and bounds. New impetus having been given to it by the glorious proof of the Power. The weak sisters had fallen by the way, and made the ground ready for the souls that were prepared for the meat. Many a babe on a milk diet found the meat too strong, and retired to cut his teeth on something less solid. Isn't it wonderful ?

"They laid every charge against him," sounds like Scriptural language, but it is twentieth century journalism. "Everyman" came after a lifetime of mis-thinking - stumbling and falling on the way, seeking only the loaves and fishes, and when he found none, went stumbling away again, charging his broken-down condition to the teachings of Father.

One little "Everyman" told me she had established a Retreat, where the broken-down souls that had been hurt and torn by Father could find refuge and peace - yes, a place where the driftwood that had been broken on the sea of life might float in. I wonder what will be done with some of the funny little shells and bits that float on the tide from One beach to another ?

I suppose Jesus was blamed for the murder of all the babies that Herod caused to be destroyed, since the announcement of his birth was the cause of their death ? Isn't it wonderful. You and "Everyman " - are beginning to see a little, to recognize the falseness of the character with which we have been associated. We profess the Christ and go into ecstasies over His miracles, and yet we are so often caught trying to "slip up on Him," as it were.

Beloved ! you can "slip up on Him" any time, and you will not find Him wanting - the glorious Impersonal Power that has come to us again has come through the avenue that was most fit and ready to express it. It is wonderful ?

The sport of the human mind is to make a Jesus and then crucify him. And the strange part about those who partake in the crucifixion is that they always come away from their ignoble work exclaiming that they are the ones that have been hurt.

One "Everyman," who ran about saying that she "had given up everything to go to Father's, and now she had nothing," had asked me to pray for her, three months before, in order that she would not be dispossessed of her apartment.

Another "Everyman," who ran about exploiting Father at one time, later ran about saying in her most sanctimonious tones: "I hope no one is going to ask me about Father Divine " - letting those who heard draw their own conclusions.

The Romans had finally had their holiday, and after the noise and smoke of human opinion had cleared away, they found that the "sacrifice" had escaped them, and that the glorious echo of the Voice was still in evidence, and the undying word, "It is WONDERFUL," still echoing in the land.

And so the command, "What went ye out for to see, a man or a principle ?" was again asked and the answer of the masses was "A principle." And those who have been looking for a principle, have found a principle that is again showing forth the works that it came to show forth, and making it gloriously possible for us to enter into the New Day of realization. Kipling has said it was the, disciples and followers of Jesus that crucified him, and not the mad mob as was supposed And so it is - but what must be the feeling of those who imagined they were destroying a Messiah, to find that He had moved "untouched" through their hands ? And what must have been the amazement to find that He was still blessing them and breaking the bread for them. It is wonderful !

"What went ye out to see, a man or principle ?"

The glorious revelations of Father that have attracted even greater and greater masses of people than before, are put in the simple impersonal language that a child could understand, but the "Everyman" who wishes to distort their meaning will find the same old human equation in evidence.

Father is teaching the Here and Now of the Spiritual Universe. He is teaching the possibility of instantaneously entering into the Heritage of the Son of the Living God. He is teaching the blessings unlimited. He is teaching the one-ness of Jesus-Christ, the word made flesh. He is teaching the abundance and fullness of all that is needful - without price. He is teaching. It Is Wonderful.

"The abundance of the fullness of the consciousness of Good - no space is vacant of the fullness thereof."

"You must live in accordance with the teachings of Matthew, Mark, Luke and John."

"You must call no man your Father."

"You must be willing to accept your good here and now, as a reality and as a natural part of your universe."

"You must enter into the joys of the Sons of God."

"You must claim your right and press your claim as the Son of the Living God."

"You must be glad, for you are in a NEW DAY."

"Must accept the Presence of the Living God, and know that He lives, breathes, moves and has His being in you."

It is wonderful ! wonderful ! wonderful ! And so are the glorious possibilities of your contacting Him, Here, There, Everywhere; at every place and every time. "Ask and ye shall receive" has again been made true - you will learn the glorious "open sesame" of "Thank you, Father," because you are arriving at the point where you are transcending the human argument and reason, and are able to accept the inspired word of God as True. All you can do, then, is to say" Thank you, Father," because before you even voice the idea, the answer is - and by the glorious revelation that we are now receiving we can prove this for ourselves. It is wonderful that "Everyman" is beginning to go out to see the Principle, and he is coming home filled and thrilled with the fulfillment of the Promises. It is wonderful ! wonderful ! wonderful !

The new way is opening before you - you are beginning to accept the words of the Master as True and without reservations. You are beginning to step out on the Promises of God. It is wonderful. "Be still and know" sets aside the human thinking, and makes you free to receive the laws which no human mind has yet stated - the laws of attainment and accomplishment which are unconditioned and free. Such is the gift that Father Divine has brought to us in the only Impersonal way since Jesus brought it. It is wonderful ! wonderful ! wonderful !

One "Everyman" asked another, "Well, if He does not want money, nor followers, and is not seeking to build a new movement, nor a church, what does He want ?" And the other answered: "He wants you to know your God-given heritage and He wants you to accept His glorious offer of Freedom, for He has said "You are not another but the same one - What I AM you are." Could anything be more glorious, more free or more Wonderful?

(The quoted Italics are the words of Father Divine, in whom I recognize a Door of Revelation. When he said to me : "No man should call me Father who sees me as a man" I knew that I had found a thoroughfare which would lead somewhere other than to unfulfilled Promises.--W.C.L.)



Monday, February 23, 2009

Civilization must be Reconstructed on Honesty

Office Talk Given by FATHER DIVINE to Some of HIS StaffWhile in His Private Office, Circle Mission Church of Philadelphia,764-772 S. Broad Street, Philadelphia, PA.Monday June 4 1945 A.D.F.D. 2:15 P.M.
While speaking on the thought of how important it is to be self-denied, FATHER mentioned the fact that at times, many through selfishness, get food between their soul and their Savior, and it has been the case where some, in many instances, through greediness and a gluttonous spirit, have eaten themselves to death. One of the secretaries asked FATHER if through denying yourself of thinking of your stomach so much and eating less excessively in other words getting your mind off of self, it would be conducive to greater spiritual growth and unfoldment- to which FATHER replied in the affirmative. And it was at this point that one of the secretaries started recording, that the universe at large might share these great Pearls of Wisdom.

For Thy Words of Salvation to the Children of Men, Almighty GOD, We Humbly Thank Thee!

( The foregoing statements are those of the transcriber, and the following is the Office Talk, with FATHER speaking firstly as follows:)

As I was thinking about, the other night when I was serving the Banquet, how much difference it is in a person who is serving self and for a selfish purpose all the time, from one who is unbiased. They (the ones who are unbiased) they have more to serve because they have more to serve. They have more to be served, therefore it is essential for them to have more food and everything else to serve, to handle, because there are more to be served, and therefore, if it is a morsel for every person as there is a berry for every bird, naturally, if you get the persons, the morsels must come, and if you get the birds, the berries will come. The berries will come where the birds are. If they are confined, they will attract and draw the berries. Their appetites will draw them.

It reminds ME that once they claim some place the Indians wanted rain and it was so they couldn't get rain, and the people had prayed for the rain, and the Indians knew that GOD would hear the animal's prayers. Understand, anything that has breath and can move from place to place of its own accord, is an animal. So, they caught a good many water turtles or terrapin, and tied them out in the hot sun and they said they would pray for the rain and the rain would come, and so they did, and the rain came.

So the thought goes, the desires of anything will attract and draw that which is desired, if it is necessary. So, if you get the birds, the berries will come, and if you get the mouths, the morsels will come and the things to satisfy the different desires and the different appetites- therefore, they wonder why and how, it and they can have so much to supply the people with.
Well if you have the people, the supply will come to the desires to satisfy the appetites that desire; if they desire in all sincerity, and if they are worthy and it is actually needed, it will come. So that is the mystery of supply.

Secretary: You know, FATHER, many times you aren't hungry, but you just eat through habit.

Selfish Thinkers
FATHER: Yes, but some think more of self than anything and anybody else, and the very thoughts are directed in a selfish direction, and even if they come up from the satisfying of the physical appetite for food, material food, if there develops a mental desire for anything, it is something for selfish aggrandizement or something of that sort; it always points out to self even mentally as well as physically and personally. So it is essential to be born again, to be born again out of that Adam ic state of consciousness and think differently from the way you originally thought by nature and through and from hereditation and prenataled influence you had been thinking.

To be born out of it, you get on the real line and whatsoever is necessary for the sustenance of the body and for your mental and Spiritual existence, will come automatically when you stress your thoughts in the positive direction and absolutely unselfishly.

Secretary: It is wonderful! It automatically takes your thoughts off of self. You don't have to think about it.

FATHER: It is plain to see concerning ME. A good many say, "Well YOU have everything!" I do have everything, and yet I do not have anything, because I refuse to have anything as a Person, and yet as a Person to ME everything is automatically supplied to satisfy My every desire. It comes forth into expression automatically by the relaxation of My conscious mentality, not thinking for the purpose of Myself as a Person. So it is a wonderful, wonderful, wonderful Blessing!

Self-denial Is The Keynote to the Mysteries
And the more you deny yourself for Righteousness' sake, if it is necessary, justifiable or justifiably to be extended, it will come forth into expression automatically as cooperation, as help, as everything, and it does come forth into expression. The sacrifice is being made of those things all the time, therefore they are increasing and multiplying all the time. It is wonderful. So, it really means something to be self-denied. It is the keynote to the mysteries of the secret of the ages to satisfy and to fulfill the predictions of the prophets and the sages and that of the predictions made by them concerning things in the positive instead of the negative.

Secretary: It is marvelous!

Another Secretary: I remember, when we first came to YOU, when we would get a seat at the table, the first thing we served on our plates, we wanted to hurry and eat it and get rid of it so we could watch YOU, and I noticed some of the older sisters, they seemed to think more of eating than giving praises to YOU.

FATHER: As I said, with that tendency or preconceived mind or sense of selfishness, if it is not in the flesh and for the material things that the human appetite calls for, even if it is something that the mentality calls for, or even something that the would-be spirit calls for, as it may be deemed, it is directed in a selfish direction for a selfish purpose in opposition to others at times, when it comes through a selfish channel. You even hear people speak of blessings, and someone will testify of an unfoldment of the Truth from a spiritual or mental point of view above the ordinary expression of the person in the audience and of what has been commonly known, another at times will try to produce something better in illustration or testimony to be more stressful to be considered that they might get personal consideration. Then that if it is done through a selfish channel, it is not as it would be if it is done volitionally and through an unselfish channel.

Be Conscientious and Sincere
So it is a wonderful thought to see and know what it really means to be self-denied. But the great essential from your infancy is to be conscientious and sincere in whatsoever you may endeavor and be honest in your deed and in your actions. Do not try to make someone think you understand when you do not understand. Do not try to get an example worked out by someone else and you not know it. You should know the example when it is worked out supposedly by you. You should know it! Not just say, "I will get someone to work it out for me," or "I will copy someone else's to do it," in order to pass it. You are robbing yourself because you fail to know what you are getting honors for. And every promotion you get, it should be thorough for it should be your experience and your own by merit and not by favoritism, neither by someone else's consideration nor someone else's information as given.

Secretary: Just the other day, one of the school children came to me and asked me to write her speech for her. I told her I wouldn't think about such a thing; that she should write it herself, although I did say I would give her a few suggestions. On the same day another one of the children brought me the speech she had written, to look over the valedictorian address, and FATHER, it is a beautiful speech.

FATHER: It is wonderful to work out things. I mean, to be able to work them out yourself individually; but if anyone gives you information concerning any example, if they give you the information, you should not stop until you get it and understand it so it is yours by inheritance, you see. You have inherited that from the person who gave it by instruction, but you should learn it, not just say, present it as a the example someone else has written out just in order to pass and be promoted without the knowledge of it yourself individually; but if you get it yourself personally, it is real!

The Foundation Of Civilization Must Be Reconstructed
Hence, the Foundation of the whole world of our advanced civilization, no doubt, must be reconstructed, for it has been founded through and by the acts of dishonesty the dishonesty of the pupil and the dishonesty of the teacher in a great measure. It should be honesty from start to finish, and sincerity. And if this would be, the child who seeks to get converted or seeks salvation from a conversional point of view, as some teach the system of getting converted, they would teach it in all sincerity and would be diligent in whatsoever they do and would be conscientious, true and faithful in whatsoever they would do and receive, for it would be real. It would not be just a pretense or mockery of the truth concerning the Mystery, but to the person, the individual, it would be a reality!

True conversion is a great thing. Now there may be a question as to the emotional expression of the conversion and where it starts and where it stops and how one would or should express his conversion by emotion and by vibrations and emotional expressions. Under whatsoever religious affiliation you are seeking that light of salvation, to that degree of that unfoldment of those of the converts of that religion, I mean, as they deem it to be, you will get it from the convictions of those who have been converted and from that degree of that unfoldment wherein those persons have been converted under that realm.

The divers emotions and expressions of the vibrational inner urge of the persons being converted would, according to the persons under whom they are seeking conversion in that field of activity, in that field through which they are being religiously born from that angle of expression and from those from that angle the emotional expressions come forth according to the conversion, according to their convictions, and their convictions would be according to the person or persons under such a religion. If it is under the Holiness Movement, it would express from that angle of expression. If it is another ritual or another dogma, it would express from that angle of expression according to the highest leading of that particular expression of that religion. Therefore the emotions and vibrations would be according to same.

Expression Is According To Heredity
Therefore, you cannot confine the emotions and vibrational expressions of the person saving as that person is converted and awakened into some vibrational emotional expression. One may express in this manner and another in that, according to the spiritual awakening of the person from the within and from whence cometh that vibrational expression through concentration. It expresses according to the ancestors from whence those emotions come, and it is emotionally put forth into expression according to the conversion of the person and according to the ancestral emotional expression of that same emotion coming down by tradition.

One may get converted under different churches even, and different organizations and may express emotionally the vibrational expressions of those that are not directly under that particular religion. They have maybe transcended that limited barrier of that particular organizational religion and may have received the inspiration from some other passing through the borders of the organizational expression of that particular religion and you may see them vibrationally and emotionally express according to it, yet it may not be exactly the direct emotional expression in that particular religious family.

Secretary: That would have to be a case of those, FATHER, that have come up through metaphysical religion where they are so still. They would have to be passing through the borders of some other religion, wouldn't they?

FATHER: It may come through some where they were still or had been still, yet it may be some vibrational expression, or some emotion the organizational expression of that particular lineage of religion and they may express from that angle of expression. That is why one said: "Prove yourself a workman, rightly dividing the Word of Truth, to be able to comprehend with all saints."

Or words to that effect. You can be able to comprehend with all saints when you are spiritually awakened to the light of understanding to know that you cannot confine the emotions and the expressions of religion to any special specific limited emotional expression. That is why one should not be ready to condemn so quickly, for you may haply try to condemn a person through jealousy or through envy or through prejudice or bigotry and be running up against the Holy Ghost from some other religious conviction with which you are not so swell acquainted.

(And with this last remark, FATHER left the Office to serve the Holy Communion.)


Friday, February 20, 2009

Father Says Thought Controls Climate Conditions

FATHER DIVINE'S Message given Whilst at theHoly Communion Table
20 West 115 Street, New York City
Thursday, March 19 1936 A.D.F.D., After Midnight

The song below preceded the message. Most effective and appropriate was this particular song, which was as an introduction to this great revelation from the Lord, for it was in accord with same. By the permission of FATHER , this great piece of literature is passed on to you.


'Love! Love! Wonderful love!
Love! Love! Wonderful love!
It flows like a river, forever and ever,

Health! Health! Wonderful health! Etc.
Peace! Peace! Wonderful peace! Etc.
Happiness! Happiness! Wonderful happiness! Etc.
Success! Success! Wonderful success! Etc.
Prosperity! Prosperity! Wonderful prosperity! Etc.
Joy! Joy! Wonderful joy! Etc.
Life! Life! Wonderful life! Etc.
Love! Love! Wonderful love!
Love! Love! Wonderful love!
It flows like a river, forever and ever,


("Peace FATHER DEAR!" came the happy greeting from the throng.)

...Now look at you. That little song you all seem to love so well, while you may enjoy it and believe it sincerely, there are those of our present civilization who do not enjoy such a version, not only the version as it is put forth through you and in your experience, but apparently, they do not enjoy the reality of this love that flows like a river, in reality.

The Cosmic Forces Obey
While listening to that song, I thought of how marvelous it would be, if this love that flows like a river could and would have access over all mankind, as it has over these. When and wheresoever this love has full and free access in the world, there will be no more vice and crime expressed, and the sins and iniquities of your fathers and your mothers will be remembered no longer. But in these few days you may look over your daily papers, and you can behold as it were a sketch and a reflection of a reminder of the sins and iniquities of your fathers and your mothers. When this love shall have enveloped the world, vice and crime shall come to an end. There shall be no more sin for the Kingdom of GOD shall have truly come and the will of GOD on earth shall be done. Wars and race riots, divisions and confusions and all of the chaotic conditions of the day, will be expressions of the past, where GOD the sun forever reigns and scatters those conditions away, and turns all of your darkeners into bright noonday. When mankind recognizes GOD as a living reality which has come to stay, even the cosmic forces of nature, they will obey.

Why should you live in lacks and wants? Why should you be in disasters? Why should you be in floods and flames? It is all because of vice and crime and sin of every kind. When men shall have been converted from that Adamic state of consciousness and prejudice shall have been completely eradicated, destructive thoughts dispelled from your mentality, there will be no more disasters, even the experience of our present day, yea of these few past days, such an experience will not be when this love shall flow like a river through each and everybody. The cosmic forces of nature will not express themselves destructively, but will express themselves harmoniously. You may be a little skeptical, but I AM here to say, trace your thoughts back to all of MY experiences, to all of MY demonstrations, if it would be stormy, floods, or raining, or cold, the weather becomes to be harmonious, for the harmonious Mind has control. Now isn't that wonderful!

Truth Shall Envelope The World
When this truth shall have enveloped the world, and brought all mankind into subjection to the Christ as you are, then and there, it will be universal as if is here and now under this jurisdiction. Oh, it is a privilege to realize what the life and love of GOD will do for mankind. This is not merely talk, beloved ones, it is our conscious conviction and realization, for it has been openly manifested to the children of men.

'Wheresoever a king reigns, there is where his kingdom is.'I cannot stress it too often and too vividly, for mankind seems to think we are subject to disasters, volcanoes, floods and storms. You are, so long as you live in vice and crime and sin of every kind; so long as you are subject to your predecessors' prejudices and bigoted tendencies, you will be subject to the infirmities of your father, for their iniquities will find you, but it is a privilege to realize even though GOD is a jealous GOD, visiting the iniquities of the fathers upon the children from the third to the fourth generation, I AM showing mercies upon thousands of them that love ME, and keep MY Commandments.

We are privileged to see and to say today, those of you who have seen your fathers' errors and have turned from them, those conditions, such as have been cannot find you, for you will be hid from them. We are not thinking about floods. We are not thinking about storms. We do not believe such expressions can do us any harm. Is it not written:

'He that puts his trust in ME, shall never be confounded.'
Then I say trust in the Lord. Have faith in your GOD, and whatsoever you desire, HE will bring it to pass. Upon this cause we can stand as one 'standing in the liberty wherewith the Christ has set us free,' if I might speak it, 'and be not again entangled with the yoke of bondage'- mortality, for GOD from those conditions has set you completely free.

Weather Control Is In The Hands Of Man

Oh, it is something to consider,

'If GOD is for you who can be against you?'

The cosmic forces of nature, they will work in harmony with you, even as you are harmoniously working with the Fundamental of Life. Now isn't that wonderful? But with prejudice and with bigoted minds, with destructive thoughts proceeding forth from your minds, you may expect disaster and destruction at all times. As I say, man controls the conditions of the weather automatically by negative or positive thinking. This is a scientific truth from a scientific point of view, according to the Scripture, for Jesus spoke to the seas when the storm was raging and said "Peace be still." Truly Jesus was the Wayshower, teaching you and others what you should do; how you should live, the way you should go.

Faith is the Essential
When Jesus worked a miracle, apparently the disciples marveled as it. He said,
'If you would have the faith of a grain of a mustard seed, you could say to yonder sycamine tree, be thou plucked up and cast in the depths of the sea, it would obey thee.'This was said to verify the words I have just spoken. If you have the faith of Christ,

'the very work that I do, shall you do,'

said He; therefore, if you are in perfect harmony with GOD, GOD with HIS cosmic forces of nature, the creative forces of nature and every other expression will work in harmony with you. They will not work destructively with you. They work destructively to those and for those who are destructive in themselves, those who think destructive thoughts, holding within themselves destructive ideas and opinions. By so doing, they create for themselves an inharmonious condition mentally, and the outward expression of the hand of nature will work automatically through the cosmic forces of nature destructively, according to your destructive thinking. For this cause, we can rejoice and be exceedingly glad. If you notice the Scripture from Genesis to Revelation, you will find men at times, when the very cosmic forces of nature would work in harmony with them, at times, there were those whom the cosmic forces of nature worked inharmoniously to them, because of the inharmonious attitude they had taken towards GOD and mankind.

Keys to the Hidden Treasure
Since we are producers and expressers of our own positive or negative thinking, hereafter we will think positive thoughts, we will act positive in our actions, and we will work positive works, that we might produce the positive conditions, and the desirable results will follow. Men marvel at the outward expression of the limitlessness of these blessings. Why marvel at this when it is free for you as it is for ME? This unfoldment in this dispensation, as it is put forth into expression under this jurisdiction, is as free for you as it is for ME, but remember, you must live evangelically--give your hearts to GOD whole-heartedly, do away with all prejudices and all bigotry, and allow GOD to rule and work within you.

When this is accomplished, you too, as well as I, will have the keys to the hidden treasures of the earth, we will have the keys to all life and to all health and none will be able to hinder you.
Oh! It is a privilege, dear ones, but if you will turn from the right and live unto self, as you have been, you will bring swift destruction upon yourselves. When this comes forth into expression, you will say it is the hand of GOD. GOD has called for you, or GOD has called for the "other fellow." Your own destructive thinking, your own destructive actions, your own destructive nature and disposition has wrought destruction on your behalf.

Oh! It is something to think about, when you can behold your personal conditions are but the outward expression of your pre-conceived ideas and opinions and your pre-trend of thoughts according to what you have been thinking.

Destructive Thoughts Bring Destruction
Now again, we speak of the great depression and the conflicts, limitations and the hardships that millions are undergoing today. Mankind speaking of trying to lift the present system of things out of the great depression and the hardships which mankind has been undergoing, yet when we look around and observe those who are in authority, using the destructive forces of their power, in other words, abusing their powers to be destructive instead of being constructive. I think of the act of those who are in authority, who will destroy the farm produce, destroy crops, destroy fruit and vegetables and other fruits while millions are starving here. Truly might have one said,
'He that wilfully wastes, he must woefully want,'therefore, those who endorse it and encourage it, they shall suffer...

'A chain is no stronger than its weakest link.'If we have a law in connection with our country that is destructive, the country in itself is destructive. Now isn't that wonderful? (Truly wonderful!" assured the throng.) GOD has moved out on the face of the deep, and GOD shall turn and overturn until HE shall throw out every official who works destructively, and put in those who will stand for righteousness, truth and justice.

No Man Is Perfect
This is something to consider. You find the different politicians, many of them with words and acts of criticism one against another, but show ME one person who will deal justly between man and man, and I will be willing to vote for him. However, I do say, qualify yourselves intellectually, politically, socially and morally to meet the issues of life, whereby you may be able to pass the literacy test for registering and voting for the person or persons you sincerely believe will deal as near just, or the most justly among the children of men. Oh! It is something to consider. As I say at times, why is it there is so much crime? Why is it men resort to crime and violence to seek for justice? It is because they have not been taught the way of righteousness. This is why I have called for righteousness firstly, that justice might follow, for if righteousness does not come firstly, justice will come and be destructive. Now isn't that something to consider? MY own zeal is stirred at times. If it were not for righteousness, I MYSELF, would be Personally destructive, but because of righteousness firstly, I will not be destructive.

This great conversion is the only essential and the only hope of redemption, for without this great conversion, why mankind can see the great depression and also the oppression the millions are undergoing. Without righteousness you would seek justice through violence, therefore you would be destructive, but by seeking righteousness firstly, we will not be destructive. We will allow those who are destructive thinkers to re-act upon themselves. Their destructive thinking causes those conditions to come upon themselves in the fulfillment of the Scripture. "The wicked shall slay themselves." Their wicked thoughts will slay their wicked bodies when they return to the children of men as a boomerang. It is indeed wonderful!

GOD Will Shake The Whole Creation
I was speaking the other day concerning the Civil Right Law, commonly known as "The Equal Rights Law," in the State of Pennsylvania. There are those in the State of Pennsylvania, who have declared this may be made a law, but they will break the law. Because of prejudice, because of hate and destructive thinking, such a tendency will cause destruction and disasters among the nations. Pennsylvania is a State that is hit with this disaster more than any other State in the Union. Why is it? It is because of destructive thinking. Those who are in authority will endorse and encourage the violence of the outlaw, those who are rebelling against righteousness, truth and justice. Therefore, GOD will step in with the cosmic forces of nature, and shake the whole creation.

I have not done anything yet to what I will do unless prejudice and segregation immediately cease in the City and State of New York. They shall feel it and shall feel it and shall feel it. For every dollar, yea for every dollar's worth this country destroys, they shall lose a hundred dollars for every dollar. For every body the lynchers lynch, they shall lose a hundred bodies for that body they lynched. For every dollar the people rob a person out of by the name of color, or for the cause of race, they shall lose a hundred dollars for every dollar.

Discrimination Is A Robber
Take these thoughts to consideration.....Now remember, even the name C------- is a robber, I say, even the name C------ is a robber. Now isn't that wonderful! The person who must use the name C------ in reference to you, they are using it consciously or unconsciously as a robber, and I will prove what I AM talking about. Your qualifications may be equivalent to any other individual, but because of your race or color, as they may call it, they would not give you the office and if they gave you the office, they would not pay you the full salary. Now isn't that robbery? Now tell them I said it. The name C------ in itself is a robber when it is used to discriminate and to differentiate between man and man for the purpose of lower-rating and disgracing the individual. It is indeed wonderful! When you hear them say,"Yes, it is such and such a man--a "so-and-so man," regardless to his qualifications or his education or classification, handling him especially by some vulgar name that your cursed ancestors named them for slavery to keep them in bondage and to keep them as slaves to serve you, those of you who would serve them for nothing, the name in itself is used for robbery; to rob mankind out of his Constitutional Rights in this great Country, under which we are supposed to be protected by the Constitution of the United States.

With Or Without A Body
Oh! It is something to consider. Truly might have one said, by the prediction of the Spirit, as he was awakened,

'Tell Israel of her transgression, and the house of Jacob their sins.'

Now they desire to stop this movement. They desire for corruption, vice and crime to continue, but I have come this time to end it. If there be a question in the mind of any "How can HE end it?" I will tell you. I AM Personal and yet Impersonal. I will accomplish MY endeavors with or without a person, with or without MY Personal Body. All I must needs do is to think or speak and MY Words will go forth and accomplish MY endeavors. I AM not bothering about the Body. If I have a Body, or if I did not have a Body, I would and I will accomplish MY endeavors, with or without a Body.

When the Body called Jesus disappeared, there and then the Foundation of Christendom was established and His Mission began. Now isn't that wonderful? His Mission began as soon as HE ceased to function as a Person, therefore, GOD is GOD with or without a Body. Those who would think on Jesus, the transmission of His Spirit and His Characteristics would be imparted to them. They too, as well as you, would be partakers of His nature, of His characteristics to carry out His endeavors automatically. Now isn't that wonderful?

Truly might have one said,

'Am I a soldier of the Cross, a follower of the Lamb and shall I fear to own His Cause or blush to speak His Name?'

As soldiers you go into the battle field to win or die. If you can die on the battle-field as a brave soldier, the spirit and the mind and your endeavors would be accomplished, for it would go on further and further. It is a privilege to realize GOD as a living sacrifice for all mankind as HE was in the Son's time in the Body in which HE came.

Establishing Righteousness Firstly
Righteousness! Truth and Justice, I have established it. Justice is established in your consciousness, in your mentality, therefore, Christ is ruling o the throne of your mind, and Christ alone shall reign thereon, because you sought righteousness firstly. Christ could not reign on the throne of the mind of those who have not sought righteousness, but since I have put righteousness into expression firstly for you and for your consideration, I will carry out MY endeavors to perfection.

Why will it be carried out scientifically and victoriously? It is because righteousness was sought firstly. Men have been on the bench as Justices but not with righteousness, therefore, without righteousness Christ will not rule on the throne of their minds as Supreme among the children of men, but because we have established righteousness firstly in your consideration and in your consciousness.

'Righteousness and Judgment is the habitation of HIS throne. The earth saw and trembled.'

Christ Alone Shall Reign
Christ has been enthroned on the throne of the minds of the children of men--all who have sought righteousness firstly without thinking destructively. Now GOD can rule in righteousness on the throne of their minds, and have all dominion and all authority without endeavoring to do any person any harm, but without righteousness, I say, men would be destructive. Violence would be sought firstly to seek justice. You would feel as if though you must take the law in your own hand to gain your Constitutional Rights, to gain that which is actually due you, that which mankind through corruption and falsity has taken from you. Now isn't that wonderful? You would endeavor to seek it through violence if you u were not converted, but since you are converted, you will seek it through righteousness, and you will get justice, for Christ will give it while HE reigns on the throne of righteousness and has all dominion.

Oh! It is a privilege to live in this recognition. Dial in on the fundamental continually, where GOD alone forever reigns and scatters night away, where GOD Himself through His condescension has truly come and turned all of your night into bright noonday, and will remain here always. I thank you.

Peace Everyone:

("Peace FATHER Dear!" again responded the great mass throng.)

I believe the most of us have well dined. I hope you have, for I have. There are many things yet to be said, I will say more in deeds and in actions. I will be speaking hereafter as I have never spoken. I shall not be discouraged until I shall stir from the bottom to the top. I mean to stir up until the least shall speak and the greatest shall do the same, and all must pay attention to what I AM saying. It is indeed wonderful, but the greatest thing of all, to know ye your GOD...GOD was GOD before HE had any Body and before you knew of HIM having a Body, HE was just the same. God is the same and always shall remain with or without a Bodily Form, matters not what may try to come, I shall be eternally the same. I thank you.

Friday, February 13, 2009

Father Divine Speaks to Washington

"PEACE EVERYONE! Good Health, Good Will, and a Good Appetite for all of the Inhabitants of Washington City, the same as for New York. All of these blessings are for you, if you will live Evangelical, but you cannot come into possession of them unless you bring your bodies into subjection to the Life and the Teaching of CHRIST, the Author and the Finisher of all of these good blessings.

"...I need not say so much in Words, as I have long since said, and still AM Saying, I will preach CHRIST in Words partially only, but more so in deeds and in actions, and I will put MY Spirit in them and cause them to walk in MY Statutes. For this cause we will be speaking to you in our very Invisible Presence. By the Presence of GOD, transmitingly, to you as to others, this Presence is Sufficient to speak silently and secretly, when you are sleeping in your dreams. It can and will speak, when you are sleeping, when you are not dreaming. When you arise in the morning you will be thinking somewhat differently.

"I Said the other day, in coming to Washington, D.C., MY endeavors were, to create an atmosphere of enthusiasm, and stir the spirit of merriness in the hearts and lives of the people, that they might be partakers of the CHRIST'S Characteristics,--and also to contagionize the atmosphere of Washington, D.C., with the very Spirit of GOD'S Presence, that this great contagion might catch the White House on Fire, that the Spirit of GOD'S Presence might speak in the President, and act in the officials. It is indeed wonderful!

"Why do I Say, that it might speak in the President and act in the officials? It is because it is transmittable! It is because it is reincarnatable! It is because it is personifiable! Therefore, this Truth and this Mind, shall be universally Personified. By its being universally Personified, it will bring all nations, languages, tongues and people together, that they might

'Love ye one another.'

"This is a Sample, this is an Example, I have brought to Washington, as a Sample for all of humanity, as the Personifier of the Brotherly Love of the Universal Brotherhood of Man. When this shall have been established in the Capitol of our great Country, then and there, there will be no more race-riots and wars, among the people. "

Excerpt from FATHER DIVINE'S Sermon
Given at the Murray Casino, Washington, D.C., December 18, 1934 A.D.F.D.